29. The Raas Leela

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In the soft glow of earthen lamps, the Gopis adorned themselves with their finest attire, their hands deftly stringing together garlands of wildflowers and their fragrance mingling with the air.

 Shimmering greens, vibrant reds, and soothing blues came alive in their garments, each fold and twirl of fabric swirling with grace.

"Tonight," one Gopi whispered to another as they applied kohl to their eyes, enhancing their beauty, "our dance will be so enchanting that Krishna will forget all but us."

"Yes, our love for him will shine through our dance, through every glance, and with each step, we will weave a spell of forgetfulness, erasing all thoughts of his beloved from his mind."

When the Gopis heard Krishna's flute, they immediately rushed to him. 

Some were milking the cows, some were curdling milk on the stove, some were getting dressed feeding milk to their infants, or rendering service to their husbands. But they stopped all these activities and rushed off to meet Krishna.

As they made their way to the banks of the Yamuna, the silvery light of the moon guiding their path, their hearts beat in unison, a symphony of hope, love, and slight apprehension

Krishna, already present, greeted them with a smile that held the promise of eternal love. 

The Gopis gathered around him, their souls resonating with the call of his flute, a melody that spoke directly to the heart, inviting them into the dance

As the Raas Leela commenced, the Gopis danced with a fervor that was both ethereal and intense. 

Their movements were poetry in motion, their expressions a canvas of love, each step, each twirl an offering to Krishna, a plea for his gaze to linger only on them. The air thrummed with the energy of their devotion, the ground beneath their feet sacred with the touch of their love.

Krishna, moving among them,danced with each Gopi, his divine attention undivided, showering each with the love and recognition they sought. 

Yet, in his heart, the image of Devashree remained unshaken, her essence intertwined with his own in a bond that transcended the attempts of forgetfulness.

Krishna, had granted them the gift of his undivided attention, multiplying himself so that each Gopi believed he danced exclusively with her.

Each Gopi, in the embrace of Krishna's attention, felt elevated, chosen, and special beyond measure. As they danced, a subtle transformation began to take root within their hearts-a seed of pride, watered by the illusion of exclusivity.

"See how Krishna chooses to dance with me above all others," one Gopi whispered to her counterpart, her eyes sparkling with a mixture of joy and newfound vanity. "Surely, this means that my devotion is the purest, my love the most deserving."

Another Gopi, caught in the same web of misconception, responded with a hint of smugness in her voice, "It is clear that among us, I hold a special place in Krishna's heart. Why else would he grace me with such undivided attention?"

Krishna watched as the seed of pride took root. 

With a heart full of love and wisdom as deep as the cosmos, he knew it was time to dispel the illusion, to remind the Gopis of the true essence of devotion.

In a moment as fleeting as a heartbeat, Krishna withdrew his multiplied forms and immediately disappeared. 

"Sakhi, where has Krishna gone?" one of them exclaimed, panic creeping into her voice.

"He was just here, dancing with me!" another cried out, her eyes scanning the area frantically.

"He cannot have left me," a third Gopi insisted, her voice tinged with disbelief. "We were in the midst of the Raas Leela!"

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