78. Terror at Twilight

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Krishna kept his arm around Devashree's waist, his touch gentle yet reassuring, as they navigated through the labyrinthine hallways.

Reaching the kitchens, they found the tray of gulaab jamuns where Devashree had left them, and her eyes immediately sought it as soon as she entered.

"Careful, Shree," Krishna teased, his tone light. "You've been eating quite a bit these days. At this rate, my baby might come out demanding gulaab jamuns as their first meal."

"Well, it's your fault, Swami. You keep feeding me like I'm eating for an entire army, not just for the two of us," she retorted and picked one up, savoring the sweet, syrupy treat, and offered one to Krishna, who accepted it with a grin.

"These are delicious," Krishna remarked, taking a bite. "Mata Devaki knows how to make the best sweets."

Devashree nodded, her mouth full of the delectable dessert.

Just as she was about to bring another to her lips, Krishna's hand darted out and snatched the gulaab jamun away.

"Hey!" Devashree exclaimed, "Swami! That's mine!"

Krishna grinned mischievously, holding the sweet just out of her reach. "Oh no, you don't," he teased, his eyes twinkling with amusement. "I think you've had enough for tonight, priye."

Devashree pouted, crossing her arms over her chest. "Swami, give it back," she demanded, her voice soft but insistent. "It's not fair to tease your pregnant wife with sweets and then take them away."

Krishna chuckled, enjoying their playful banter. "But, Shree, I'm only looking out for you and my baby," he said, his tone serious. "Too many sweets in one night might not be good for either of you."

She narrowed her eyes at him,"You're just being mean," she retorted, taking a step closer to him. "Come on, Swami, share it with me."

"You think I'm being mean, do you?" he asked, taking a step back as she advanced. He held the gulaab jamun high, out of her reach.

"Totally mean! The meanest husband ever." Devashree declared, her playful frustration evident as she reached up, attempting to snatch the sweet treat from his hand.

"No, no, no. I am hardly being mean. What I am doing here is standing for the truth! For righteousness! For Dharma! For Justice!" he proclaimed dramatically, holding the gulaab jamun aloft like a precious prize.

Devashree paused. "Have you lost your marbles, Swami? Ruling the kingdom seems to have been very taxing on you lately. You seem to have gone mad, making no sense whatsoever."

"Look here, people. The criminal is trying to hide her crimes, but we demand justice." Krishna continued and didn't pay her any attention.

"Is there a mental hospital somewhere near?" Devashree quipped, pretending to look around with exaggerated concern.

"Distractions people. The criminal is distracting people from her crimes. But we demand Justice!" Krishna insisted theatrically.

"What does one do with a mentally ill person? .....Aah yes, pretend that their delusions are real." Devashree murmured to herself. "Yes, Swami, you seem to have gone mental. But I, being a kindhearted person with a large heart, will entertain you for your sake.. what were you saying again?"

"JUSTICE!" Krishna proclaimed with gusto, unable to contain his laughter at their playful banter.

"What justice?" Devashree asked, raising an eyebrow at Krishna.

"Justice for my baby! You're blaming my poor baby for this, aren't you? Your cravings?" Krishna teased, his voice laced with amusement. "You know what I think? My baby is just an excuse for you to eat more sweets."

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