71. The Poison Within

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Krishna's heart pounded in his chest as he held Devashree's convulsing form. Her body was cold and clammy, her face ashen and her eyes glazed with pain.

He knew he had to act fast.

"Bring forth a vaidya!" Krishna shouted urgently, his voice commanding and filled with desperation. "Now! We need help immediately!"

Revati stayed by Devashree's side, whispering soothing words to her as she convulsed. Mata Rohini was still frozen in shock for a moment before snapping into action, helping to comfort Devashree and keep her steady.

Without waiting for a response, Krishna gently laid Devashree on the floor and then sprinted towards a nearby cabinet where he knew the emergency herbs were kept.

His hands moved with frantic speed as he grabbed a handful of bloodroot herb and mustard seeds. Crushing them together in a bowl, he made a mixture that filled the air with its sharp pungent scent.

"Bhabhi, hold her steady!" he called out, his voice strained with worry. Revati gently held Devashree's shoulders to keep her from thrashing.

Krishna's hands trembled as he mixed the herbs, turning them into a rough paste. "Hold on, Shree," he murmured, his voice breaking with emotion. "Stay with me."

Krishna lifted her head slightly, bringing the bowl to her lips. "You need to swallow this, Shree," he urged, his voice soothing yet firm.

"Hold her steady," Krishna instructed, his voice steady and commanding. "This will help."

With careful hands, he fed the mixture to Devashree, gently prying her mouth open and ensuring she swallowed the potent remedy. Her body convulsed again, but Krishna's hands remained firm, supporting her head.

"It's alright, Shree. Stay with me," Krishna whispered, his voice breaking with emotion. "This will help. Please, stay with me."

After administering the mixture, Krishna pressed deeply into Devashree's throat, triggering her gag reflex.

Her body heaved, and she began to vomit, expelling the contents of her stomach along with the poison.

Krishna held her firmly, his hands gentle yet strong. "That's it, Priye. Get it all out," he murmured, his voice soothing. "You're going to be alright."

When Devashree finished vomiting, Krishna quickly cleaned her with his angvastra, wiping away the froth and bile.

He scooped her up gently, carrying her to the bed with the utmost care. Her body was limp, her breathing was shallow and labored.

Krishna sat beside her, holding her hand tightly, his eyes never leaving her pale face.

Minutes felt like hours as they waited, the tension in the room palpable. Finally, the door burst open, and a servant hurried in, leading the vaidya, an elderly man with a calm demeanor and a steady hand.

"Over here," Krishna called out, his voice filled with a mixture of hope and desperation.

Krishna reluctantly moved aside to let him examine Devashree, his heart pounding in his chest.

As the vaidya worked, drawing a curtain around the bed for privacy, Krishna began pacing back and forth. Balram stood beside him, his fists clenched in quiet rage, his eyes dark with concern.

The vaidya emerged from behind the curtain after some time, his expression serious. "She was given a plant poison," he stated, his voice steady and authoritative. "It was meant to be lethal, but due to your quick thinking, most of the poison was expelled before it could do much harm."

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