47. Lakshagriha

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The dawn light filtered softly through the sheer curtains, casting a bluish glow over the room where Devashree and Krishna had spent their first night together as husband and wife. Devashree's eyelids fluttered open to the gentle rhythm of Krishna's breathing, his arms still encircling her in a protective embrace.

With a tender smile, Devashree lifted her head slightly and planted a soft kiss on Krishna's brow. He stirred lightly, his eyes opening to meet hers, a sleepy smile spreading across his face.

"Suprabhat, Priye," he murmured, his voice thick with the remnants of sleep.

"Suprabhat, Natha," Devashree replied, her voice low and filled with affection. 

She gently extricated herself from his arms, careful not to disturb him too much, and slipped out of the bed.

With a final, lingering look at Krishna, who was sleeping with a contented expression, she made her way to the adjoining chamber to prepare for the day.

As Devashree entered the kitchen, the lively chatter and clinking of morning preparations greeted her. 

Revati, who was supervising the arrangements, turned and caught sight of Devashree. A playful twinkle lit up her eyes as she approached.

"Ah, our lovely bride is here! How was your first night in the abode of Dwarkadhish?" Revati teased, her voice a melodious chuckle that echoed lightly around the kitchen.

Devashree's cheeks flushed a delicate pink, but she responded with a bright smile, "It was wonderful, Jiji, thank you for asking." Her gentle demeanor didn't miss the amused glances shared among the other women in the kitchen, but she carried it with grace.

Just then, Devaki entered the kitchen, her presence commanding the attention of everyone.

 "Devashree, putri," she began, her tone warm and inviting, " Today, you and Krishna must go to the Gauri temple to perform a special pooja together. It's a beautiful ceremony to bless your union."

Devashree nodded, her heart swelling with the sacredness of the tradition. "I would be honored to participate, Ma," she replied respectfully.

Devaki smiled approvingly, "Good. Get ready, dear. Wear something comfortable for the temple visit. I'll have everything arranged for your journey."

"Thank you, Ma. I'll prepare at once," Devashree said, her voice infused with a newfound enthusiasm for the day's ritual.

As Devashree left the kitchen, her steps light and purposeful, Revati leaned closer to whisper, "Enjoy the blessings, and the day, Devashree. These moments are precious."

Devashree's heart felt full as she made her way back to her room to dress for the temple visit, the loving embraces of her new family warming her spirit, ensuring she felt at home in the vastness of Dwarka.

After preparing herself for the day, Devashree's steps led her back to the chamber where Krishna still lay resting.

He was a picture of peace, his chest rising and falling in the quiet rhythm of deep sleep.

Devashree paused at the doorway, her heart swelling with love at the sight of him.

She approached the bed quietly, her saree whispering against the floor. Standing beside him, she gazed down at his relaxed features, a soft smile playing on her lips. For a moment, she allowed herself the pleasure of just watching him, appreciating the serene expression that sleep brought to his face.

After a moment of silent admiration, she reached out gently to brush a stray lock of hair from his forehead. Her touch was feather-light, but enough to stir Krishna from his slumber. His eyelids fluttered open, and his focus gradually sharpened, settling on her face with a sleepy smile.

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