44. Mahavivah I

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The moon hung low in the sky, its silver light casting long shadows across the courtyards of Kripalakshaya

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The moon hung low in the sky, its silver light casting long shadows across the courtyards of Kripalakshaya.

Krishna moved across the palace grounds. His heart's longing and anticipation urged him forward.

The playful banter with his family and the joy of the ceremonies could not quell the yearning he felt to see Devashree, to assure himself of her happiness, and to simply be in her presence.

As he neared the quarters where Devashree resided, a soft laugh and the sound of approaching footsteps halted his advance.

Quickly, he blended into the shadows, his divine prowess at concealment coming in handy. Yet, as the figure drew closer, Krishna recognized the stride and the robust laughter of Dharmendra.

Dharmendra paused as he sensed a presence. His eyes, sharp and discerning, scanned the darkness.

"Who goes there? Show yourself," Dharmendra called out.

Krishna, realizing that further concealment would be fruitless, stepped forward with a smile, the moonlight casting an ethereal glow around him.

"Bhrata Dharmendra, it's only me. I was just... taking a walk," Krishna said, his voice light, masking his true intention with the ease.

Dharmendra relaxed slightly upon recognizing Krishna, but his brow furrowed in confusion.

"A walk? At this hour? Near my sister's quarters? So far from the groom's palace?" he asked, his tone teasing yet tinged with suspicion.

Krishna chuckled. "I confess, my steps led me here perhaps longing to ensure the happiness of tomorrow's bride," Krishna replied.

Before Dharmendra could respond, the soft murmur of voices approached them.

It was a sage and his disciple, accompanied by two young disciples..

A spark of recognition ignited within Krishna. He was  absolutely overjoyed to see who it was.

How could Narayan not recognize his Shiva.

Suppressing a chuckle at the delightful disguise, Krishna's eyes twinkled with amusement as he glanced at the little ones.

His heart swelled with happiness at the sight of Mahadev and Sister Parvati. Their presence at his wedding was a blessing beyond measure.

But it was the sight of Ganesha and Kartikeya that sparked a special delight in Krishna. The playful innocence of his nephews added a layer of familial intimacy.

Ganesha and Kartikeya, trying their best to stay solemn in their roles as young disciples, couldn't help but let their eyes sparkle with the mischief and joy of the moment. 

His Shree was going to be delighted.

Ganesha's eyes held a mischievous twinkle, mirroring his father's, watching Krishna with an expression of deep fondness. Occasionally, his small hand would unconsciously move towards his belly. While Kartikey's gaze often drifted towards the palace grounds, where the festivities had began, betraying his longing to join in the revelry and perhaps engage in a bit of mischief himself.

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