57. The Surprise

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As the chariot continued its journey back to Dwarka, Krishna watched as the peaceful scene outside mirrored the calm contentment within the chariot, where Devashree now slept soundly, her head resting gently against Krishna's shoulder.

His gaze shifted from the passing scenery back to Devashree, taking in the gentle rise and fall of her chest as she breathed in the quiet rhythm of sleep. Her face was relaxed in slumber that filled Krishna with a profound sense of gratitude.

In these quiet moments, Krishna found a rare peace, removed from the complexities of palaces and politics.

As the chariot approached the gates of Dwarka, the familiar sights of the city welcomed them back.

The streets were quiet, the markets closed, and the temples stood serenely against the night sky. The city seemed to be resting, peaceful, and secure, under the watchful eyes of its leader and queen.

Krishna gently roused Devashree, his hand softly caressing her arm. She blinked open her eyes, the remnants of sleep fading as she took in her surroundings.

"We're almost home, Shree," Krishna said softly in a comforting voice.

Devashree stretched lightly, her smile returning as she remembered where they were and the news that had delighted her so.

"It's been a long day, hasn't it? But such a joyful one. I'm eager to make plans for Revati jiji and the baby."

"Yes, it has been a day of many emotions," Krishna agreed, helping her adjust her shawl around her shoulders as the evening air grew cooler. "But now, let us rest and renew our spirits for the days ahead."

The chariot stopped before the grand entrance of the palace, the guards bowing deeply as their king and queen disembarked.

They walked hand in hand into the palace, and the worries and weariness melted away, replaced by the comfort and security of home.

Inside, the palace was quiet, with the corridors lit by softly flickering lamps. The air was cool and smelled faintly of jasmine that seemed to wash away the dust of the road.

"Come, let us have some light refreshment and then retire for the evening," Krishna suggested, leading Devashree towards their private quarters.

As they settled down, Krishna poured some sweet lassi into two cups, handing one to Devashree. They toasted quietly to their family, and to each other.

"Here's to new beginnings, to family and love," Devashree said, her voice warm with affection and hope.

"To new beginnings," Krishna echoed, clinking his cup gently against hers.

They sipped their lassi, the sweet coolness perfect against the warmth of the night. Then, setting aside their cups, they leaned back, hands entwined, letting the silence and the night envelop them in their embrace.

After a while, the distant sound of laughter drifted through the air, disrupting the tranquil silence Krishna and Devashree were enjoying.

Curiosity piqued, and they decided to investigate.

Hand in hand, they made their way toward the common hall, where the sounds of joy grew louder with each step.

Upon entering, they were greeted by the sight of Balaram engaged in a battle with a....


It was a tiny ragdoll clad in an intricately stitched miniature outfit.

Balaram's usually stern face was twisted in concentration and mild frustration as he attempted to maneuver a small diaper onto the doll, his large fingers fumbling with the tiny fasteners.

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