76. The Ties That Bind

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"Welcome, Shri Krishna, Arjun, Bheem!" Maharaj Drupad exclaimed, his voice filled with genuine warmth. "Your arrival brings great joy to Panchal. Please, come in and join us."

Arjun and Bheem dismounted, exchanging respectful greetings with King Drupada. Krishna, too, dismounted gracefully from his chariot, his eyes scanning the palace grounds as if searching for someone.

"We are honored by your hospitality, Maharaj," Krishna said. "But first, we would like to see our wives. It has been a long journey, and we are eager to ensure their well-being."

Drupad nodded understandingly. "Of course, of course. They are in the inner courtyard, preparing for the evening's festivities. I will have someone escort you."

"Arya Arjun!" Draupadi's voice rang out as she caught sight of her husband and rushed into his arms. "We were so worried Arya, and I am so happy so are back. We didn't expect you so early."

"Drau, I am glad you are okay, I couldn't bear to be apart from you for long." Arjun returned her embrace with equal fervor.

Arjun reluctantly released Draupadi and booming laugh echoed through the courtyard. 

Bheem stepped forward with a grin that lit up his face and without hesitation scooped Draupadi up into his powerful arms lifting her off the ground in a bear hug.

"Draupadi!" he roared with joy, twirling her around effortlessly.

Draupadi laughed, the sound pure and joyous, as she clung to his broad shoulders.
"Arya Bheem! Put me down," she protested between giggles, though there was no real urgency in her voice.

Bheem finally set her down gently, his eyes shining with affection. "I have missed you, Panchali," he said, his voice softening.

Draupadi's cheeks flushed with happiness, and she placed a hand on Bheem's arm, "Really?" she asked, her eyes brimming with joy.

Bheema nodded eagerly, his grin widening. "Oh, yes, truly! Especially your delicious cooking. I have been dreaming of your meals all these days," he exclaimed enthusiastically.

Draupadi chuckled warmly. "You're exaggerating, Arya Bheem," she teased gently. 

"Not at all Paanchali. I went without food for all fourteen days, Panchali. Fourteen days!" he recounted, shaking his head incredulously. "I am so very hungry after that."

"So, you are saying you missed my food more than me?" she quipped.

Bhima chuckled. "Well, maybe not more than you, but your food was a close second," he replied with a boyish grin. 

Draupadi laughed, shaking her head fondly at her husband's enthusiasm. "Oh, Arya Bheem," she said affectionately, "you could have told me earlier. Come, let's go to the kitchens. I'll make sure you have a feast fit for a king."

"Yes, yes! Let's not waste another moment. I'll tell you all about my battle as we feast," he declared, his voice resonating with anticipation.

As he observed the tender reunion, Drupad couldn't help but smile. Draupadi was his jewel, cherished beyond measure. Her happiness was his happiness, her safety his foremost concern. Seeing her surrounded by Arjun and Bheem their bond stronger than ever, filled him with profound satisfaction.  

He recalled the troubling rumors that had reached him not long ago — whispers of Arjun's attention straying towards another woman, a woman who was none other than the sister of the mighty Shri Krishna. 

But how could anyone compare to my Draupadi? She is unmatched, unparalleled in her beauty, wisdom, and virtue. The very thought of her being second to anyone else is unthinkable. She is the best, and I take immense pride in that. 

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