32. The Rescue

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As Devashree's tale reached its heartfelt conclusion, a sudden clatter echoed through the dark corridors of the dungeon,

"The guards," Devaki whispered urgently, her voice barely above a breath. "You must leave, now. Being found here could mean your death or imprisonment."

Vasudev's gaze, too, sharpened with worry, reinforcing Devaki's plea.

"Go, Devashree. Our safety lies in your escape. Let not our chains become yours."

Devashree nodded her heart pounding against the silence of the dungeon.

"I will not forget this moment, nor your strength. Take this morpankh of Krishna and hold on to it"

With a final, respectful nod, Devashree turned and stepped back into the shadowed corridor, leaving behind the cell but carrying forward the spirit of the story she shared.

Devashree moved forward cautiously, her ears straining for any sound that might indicate Radha's presence.

As she passed each cell, the soft whispers of the imprisoned filled the air

Then, a voice, weak yet familiar, reached her. "Who's there?" it trembled through the darkness.

"Radha, it's me, Devashree. I've come to get you out," she whispered back, a surge of relief and urgency in her voice.

"Devashree? But how did you-"

"There's no time to explain. We need to move quickly before the guards realize I'm here," Devashree interrupted, her fingers working at the lock of the cell door.

The lock clicked open, a small victory against the tyranny of Kamsa's rule.

As the door swung open, Devashree stepped inside, finding Radha huddled in the corner.

"Can you walk?" Devashree asked, offering her hand to Radha.

"Yes, I think so," Radha replied, her voice gaining strength from Devashree's presence.

Together, they stepped out of the cell, the dungeon's shadows looming around them as they began their perilous journey back to freedom.

The echo of their footsteps was the only sound that punctuated the tense silence as went on.

Having freed Radha from the clutches of her dark cell, Devashree's heart was buoyant with a victory that felt both personal and profound.

Yet, their escape was far from secure, a fact they were both acutely aware of as they hastened towards the promise of freedom.

Their urgency was abruptly halted by the appearance of two guards rounding a corner, their armor gleaming dully in the torchlight.

"Stay behind me," Devashree whispered to Radha, her voice a soft command laced with determination.

"What's this?Look what we have here. Prisoners wandering the halls? You'll be begging for the comfort of your cells when we're through with you," one guard sneered, drawing his sword with a metallic hiss that seemed to slice through the tense air.

"Yes, look at them, the fresh flesh of young maidens. Don't worry, my dears, you will be screaming in pleasure once I am through you" another guard leered at them.

Disgust churned in Devashree's stomach. She responded not with words but with action, launching herself towards the guards with a swiftness that belied her appearance.

The element of surprise was on her side, and the first guard barely had time to raise his weapon before Devashree's well-aimed kick sent it clattering to the stone floor.

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