39. Krishna sets off

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Krishna, Revati, and young Subhadra were gathered around the ornately carved wooden table for their evening meal. The atmosphere was cozy, a pleasant end to another day in the vibrant city of Dwarka.

Revati served the dishes with a gentle hand, ensuring that each plate was artfully arranged.

Little Subhadra chattered about her day, filling the room with her youthful exuberance her eyes wide with the excitement of sharing a meal with her beloved bhrata and bhabhishree,.

"Devarji," Revati began, her voice laced with a teasing tone, "the halls of Dwarka are full with tales of your wisdom and bravery. Yet, I find myself wondering, when will you decide to bring a companion home for me? The palace could surely benefit from another lady's touch."

Krishna met her question with a knowing smile. "Ah, bhabhi," he replied, his tone light yet thoughtful, "the universe moves in mysterious ways, and the heart even more so. But fear not, for when the time is right, and the stars align, Dwarka shall welcome a companion worthy of your friendship and our family's legacy."

"But Bhratashree, how will you know when the time is right? What if you miss it while busy with your duties?"Subhadra piped up, ever curious and not wanting to be left out of the conversation. Her earnest question, posed with the innocence of youth, drew gentle laughter from both Krishna and Revati.

 "Subhadra,let me tell you, there's already someone who has claimed a special place in our dear Kanha's heart," Balram announced as she came, throwing a playful glance toward Krishna.

"Oh? And who might this special someone be, Balram? Have we met her?" Vasudev raised an eyebrow in interest.

"Leave it to Balram to stir the pot. And here we were, thinking you'd remain Dwarka's most elusive bachelor." Rohini chimed in with a laugh.

"Yes, Putra, do tell us. After all, it's not every day that Balram hints at such matters. And we, your family, ought to be the first to know."Devkiadded as she joined the playful inquisition with a mother's keen interest.

Vasudev chuckled "Indeed, Krishna. Is there a special someone who has captured the heart of Dwarka's most eligible bachelor? Your mother and I would love to know."

"Yes, Krishna. It's rare to see you at a loss for words. Could it be that love has finally found our son?"

Caught in a delightful ambush of familial curiosity, Krishna met their gazes. "My dear family," he began, his voice calm yet full of warmth, "the universe has its own timing, and the matters of the heart follow their own course."

"But Bhratashree, can't you give us a hint? Is she brave? Is she beautiful? Does she know how to chase away the darkness with her light, just like you do?" Subhadra's youthful exuberance was unable to be contained.

The questions hung in the air, leaving everyone in a momentary pause, their expressions a mix of anticipation and amusement.

 "Oh, there is someone indeed! A priye, a beloved, who rules over Kanha's heart," Balram declared with a booming laugh. "He, who has faced demons and kings, is utterly smitten.Our Kanha here might just have his sights set on someone as fierce and captivating as Devi Durga herself.""

The sudden revelation caused a ripple of surprise among the assembled family members. Revati's eyes widened in genuine intrigue, while Subhadra leaned in closer, her curiosity piqued by the mention of a potential match for her beloved brother.

Vasudev raised an eyebrow, his interest now fully piqued. "Is that so, Balram?" he inquired "And pray tell, who might this formidable lady be?"

Balram leaned back with a knowing smile. "None other than the illustrous Devendraputri Rajkumari Devashree of Dharmasamrajya Kripalakshaya ,"

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