80. Heart of a Lion

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Draupadi stood in the grand hall of Indraprastha, attending to her daily duties when a dasi approached her with a slightly anxious expression.

"Devi, the Yuvrani of Hastinapur, Bhanumati, has arrived unannounced," the dasi informed her, bowing respectfully.

Draupadi's eyes widened in surprise. "Bhanumati? Here?" she murmured to herself. Composing herself, she gracefully made her way to the guest quarters where Bhanumati awaited her.

As Draupadi entered the room, she was met with Bhanumati's warm smile. 

"Forgive me, I have arrived here uninvited," Bhanumati said with a gentle tone, her eyes reflecting sincerity.

"No, no, you are always welcome here." Draupadi returned the smile, her mind still processing the unexpected visit. 

Bhanumati's smile widened as she stepped forward and took Draupadi's hands in her own. "Thank you," she said softly. "I was on my way to Dwarka, but thought to stop by here for a bit."

"To Dwarka?" Draupadi repeated, trying to keep her composure. She hesitated, searching for the right words. "But how can you go there...  surely you know that your husband... is getting married to the Rajkumari soon. Today is the... vagh daan."

Bhanumati chuckled lightly, her expression unfazed. "My husband promised me that I will be his only wife and I trust him. I don't think I should be worried," she said with a calm confidence that left Draupadi momentarily speechless.

She felt a pang of pity and uncertainty. 

"Oh, but the wedding date and other arrangements have already been decided. I don't think... you should go..." she trailed off, squeezing Bhanumati's hand gently, her eyes reflecting her concern.

Bhanumati chuckled again, her gaze steady and untroubled. "I don't think you should worry about me," she said, her voice carrying a subtle edge. "You should be more worried about your own marriage."

Draupadi blinked, taken aback by Bhanumati's response.

"My marriage?" she echoed, her voice tinged with a mix of confusion and defensiveness.

Bhanumati nodded, her eyes filled with a pitying gaze. "I am sad to see that your husbands care so little about you," she said, her gaze shifting briefly to Draupadi's baby bump.

Draupadi straightened up, a flicker of defiance in her eyes. "That's not true. They care about me. I am their priority."

Bhanumati's expression turned apologetic. "Oh, I am sorry. It's just that I was told no husband of yours is in the palace these days. I got worried, especially in your condition."

Draupadi's frown deepened. "My husbands are gone on the Digvijay Yatra for the Rajasuya. I am sure they will be arriving any day now. And Arya Yudhishthir has been busy with all the preparations. If it wasn't for the Rajasuya, everyone would be here right now."

Bhanumati sighed. "I thought you would know that the third Panduputra is already back from his Yatra. Arya had written to me saying he arrived a week back and is staying for the wedding, which I am sure won't happen."

Draupadi felt a cold shiver run down her spine. "Aryaputra... Arjun?" she whispered, her voice barely audible. Her mind raced, piecing together the implications of Bhanumati's words.

"Yes, Panduputra Arjun," Bhanumati confirmed, her voice almost a whisper. "He is there, in Dwarka. And I don't know but I heard the rumors that the Rajkumari of Dwarka holds his heart, so I came here."

"WHAT ARE YOU SAYING?" Maharaj Drupad shouted as he came into the hall catching the last bit of the conversation.

Both women turned towards the entrance, where Maharaj Drupad stood, his expression a mix of shock and anger.

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