18. The Debate

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"Firstly, tell me, what is the most powerful weapon in the three realms. Is it Mahadev's Pashupatastra, Bramha's Bramhastra, or Narayan's Narayanastra?" Devi Sumukhi started.

"Karuna( Compassion).There is no greater and more powerful weapon than Karunastra."

"Karunastra?What kind of weapon is this putri?"

"It is a weapon of compassion Mata.Why do we make weapons? We make them to win over everyone, right? A compassionate person who can empathize with others can win over everyone in this world. Why would then such a person require a weapon, mate?"

"Excellent, now tell me which time is the most important one. Also, who is the most important person in the world?

"The most important time is the present. This moment right now.Because the past can never return and the future can't be predicted. And the most important person is the one we are accompanying right now. For instance, I am important to you, and you are important to me in this moment, Mata."

"Correct!! What is the ultimate treasure hidden within the human heart?"

"Gratitude. It unlocks the doors to abundance and fulfillment, allowing individuals to appreciate the blessings of life and cultivate a sense of contentment and peace."

"What thread binds all beings together?"

"Purpose. It is the driving force that infuses existence with meaning and significance, guiding individuals towards their unique destinies and connecting them to the greater karma"

"Sahi javab!! Which holds the key to unlocking the secrets of the universe?"

"Spirituality. It delves into realms beyond empirical understanding, exploring the mysteries of existence and the interconnectedness of all things."

"Fantastic!! Now a more scientific question. What holds the key to unlocking the mysteries of existence?"

"Dark Matter. Its invisible presence permeates the cosmos, influencing the structure and evolution of the universe, yet its nature remains shrouded in mystery, inviting exploration and discovery."

"Adbhut! What is faster than light?"

"Our mind. The mind which can travel to the trilok and beyond within seconds"

"What is the key to unlocking the mysteries of the universe?"

"Curiosity. It is the driving force behind exploration and discovery, propelling humanity towards new frontiers of understanding and enlightenment."

"Uttam!! What is the most holy thing?"

"Agni (Fire). Which purifies anything it consumes"

"What is the most auspicious thing?"

"Good words and good karma"

"What is the best prayer?"

"The prayer we do for others"

'Who is one's best friend?"

"Our sensibility. Which always guides us in the right direction."

"The biggest enemy?"


"The most beautiful ornament?"


"The bravest act?"


"The greatest victory?"

"That on oneself."

"Adbhut!"  Sumukhi Devi sighed."Now the last question. Who among the Tridevas is the greatest? Bramha, Shiva or is it Narayana?"

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