5. The Divine Descent

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After Ganesha left, Narayani got busy cleaning little bits of sweets he had spilled

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After Ganesha left, Narayani got busy cleaning little bits of sweets he had spilled.

And Narayan, he couldn't take his eyes off her. How could he when she was so enchanting?
Everyone called him the charmer but she was the one who could charm the charmer himself.

He slid his arms around her waist and pulled her so that she rested her head on his shoulder.
" It always makes me so happy to see you like this my Chanchala," he said in his loving voice. " You know the time for my descent on earth is near. I will miss you so much"

His Sri giggled and said,
"Swami, we will not be separated for long. I too will have to descend after some years"

" That is a relief. I will take birth as the son of Devaki and Vasudev but will be fostered by Nand and Yashoda following the Akashwani to end the evil rule of Kansa. Who will you be my dear Chanchala?"

His Sri smiled." You will have to find out, won't you?

Narayan pouted in response.

"At least tell me this, will you remember everything or will you choose to forget your memories?"

" Swami, Dwapar yug is more evil than Treta yug. It will be more dangerous and you will be in your transcendental form. This time I want to be there for you, in your joy as well as in your pain. This time your Chanchala will not let you feel her absence. I will not remember you in the initial years but will regain my memories after an event."

"After which event Sri?" A curious Narayan asked her.

" After you make me fall in love with you once more. " Lakshmi's eyes glittered with happiness when she said this.

"And what if I fail to reignite that spark?" Narayan teased his tone light, eyes twinkling with mischief.

"Then perhaps, I might find myself charmed by another." His Chanchala, always a stride ahead, responded with a sly grin.

Narayan stilled. The mischievous glint faded from his eyes.

He tightened his embrace, a protective, possessive love resonating in his voice. "I would like to see who dares."

Lakshmi grinned into his chest. She loved it when he gets all possessive.

Lakshmi laughed softly, pressing closer into his chest, her laughter vibrating against his heart.

"My Narayan, there is none but you for me. Your Priya Chanchala belongs with her Narayan, in this life and every life beyond. There can be no other."

They lingered in their embrace, savoring the bittersweet moments before the inevitable parting. All too soon, Narayan felt the pull of his earthly duties.

It's time, priye." He murmured reluctantly.

She raised her head, looking into his eyes,and caressed his cheek lovingly. She knew it was inevitable.

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