38. Prempatra

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The auspicious moment drew near and the palace was a hive of activity and anticipation.

Rohini was surrounded by the wise and gentle hands of the midwives while Vasudeva paced the outer chambers,

"May the protectors of all quarters bless this child,and may they bring further joy to our lives." Vasudeva was murmuring to himself,

Krishna sensed the moment of his sister's arrival into the world with a deep, ineffable joy.

"Kanha, do you think we are ready for this? I mean, I've always been the older brother. Now, there's going to be another one. How do you think this will change things?" Balrama asked as he turned to Krishna, a mix of eagerness and concern in his voice.

"Well, Dau, I was thinking it might finally give me a break from your overprotective brotherly instincts. Perhaps you can focus some of that on our new sibling. I might even get away with more of my adventures."Krishna said it with a mischievous glint in his eye that seemed to reflect the twinkle of the stars above.

Balarama laughed, the sound echoing softly in the marble corridor. "Oh, so you think you'll be off the hook, do you? I'll have you know my protective instincts have enough bandwidth to cover both of you. And besides, with you as an example, I'll have to double my efforts to ensure our new sibling doesn't pick up any... how shall I put it... mischievous tendencies."

Krishna raised an eyebrow, the corners of his lips twitching in amusement. "Mischievous tendencies? I'll have you know that my so-called mischiefs have always been for the greater good. Maybe our sibling will learn a thing or two from me."

The banter between the two brothers continued, with Balaram suggesting they start a 'Brotherly Guidance School' for the new arrival, teaching the essentials of handling powers responsibly, the art of wrestling demons, and the etiquette of dealing with overzealous suitors and misplaced princesses.

Just then, a soft cry pierced the night, drawing the brothers' attention to Rohini's chamber. The moment they had been eagerly awaiting had arrived.

The moment of Chitra's birth was heralded by a gentle breeze that swept through Mathura, as if the very heavens were announcing the arrival of a divine soul.

Rohini cradled her child for the first time. "Welcome, my daughter, my Chitra. Your arrival fills our hearts with an immeasurable love and our lives with a new light."

As Vasudeva entered, his eyes met with the sight of Rohini holding their daughter, the sight moved him profoundly.

"Rohini, my beloved, she is beautiful-a perfect blend of your grace and the strength of our lineage. She shall be Subhadra, our auspicious one."

The news of Subhadra's birth spread quickly, and soon, Krishna and Balaram made their way to their mother's side, each eager to behold their new sister.

Krishna gazed at Subhadra with great affection."Welcome to this world, Subhadra. You are the missing piece of our family's puzzle, a bond that will unite us even more strongly. I vow to be a brother whose shoulder you can always lean on. And don't worry, I will teach you everything, from stealing makhan to playing pranks, and also how not to get caught, and also the most important , 1001 tactics to avoid punishments even when you are caught. You will be an expert in no time." He whispered the last part into her small ears.

"And I shall teach you to wield a plough and weapons and to stand strong, little sister. Together, we shall be a trio unmatched in love and strength." Balrama said with a gentle laugh.

The chamber where Subhadra lay, cradled in the arms of her family, became a place where the mortal met the divine, where laughter and solemn vows intertwined,of familial love that would, in time, become legend.

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