37. Dharma

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As Devashree's chariot crossed the threshold into her kingdom, a wave of palpable excitement swept over the gathered crowd.

The air buzzed with anticipation, charged with the collective joy of her people, who had come from near and far to witness the return of their beloved.

As Devashree's chariot advanced, the crowd parted in reverence, a sea of faces turned towards her, each one alight with admiration and respect.

Devashree joined her hand and bowed down to her people, her connection to the land and its people, running as deep as the roots of the ancient oaks that stand sentinel over the kingdom

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Devashree joined her hand and bowed down to her people, her connection to the land and its people, running as deep as the roots of the ancient oaks that stand sentinel over the kingdom.

She instructed the procession to halt at intervals, stepping down with an elegance

Her feet touched the ground, and immediately, the air thrummed with a new energy. The people soon swarmed closer, their faces alight with a mixture of reverence and joy.

Devashree moved among them, her presence a calming balm and a source of excitement all at once.

"Tell me, how fares your family?" she inquired of an elderly woman who had brought her granddaughter to see the procession. The woman, her eyes brimming with tears of gratitude, spoke of the recent rains that had blessed their crops and the health that has, so far, been kind to her family. Devashree listened with genuine interest, her nod and smile were an assurance of her shared happiness in the woman's fortunes.

"How has the season treated your fields?" she asked, addressing a group of farmers who had lined the path, their hands roughened by the toil of the earth.

"Rajkumari, the rains have been generous, but the locusts threaten our harvest," replied an elder farmer, his voice laced with worry.

Her brow furrowed in concern. "We shall address this. I'll ensure assistance is dispatched to safeguard our crops. Our kingdom's strength lies in the health of its fields."

Moving on, a bright-eyed child, clutching a makeshift toy, catches her attention.

Kneeling to meet the child's gaze, she asked, "And what dreams do you chase with such fervor in your eyes?"

With a giggle, the child responded, "I wish to become a scholar, to read the many books in your grand library!"

Devashree's heart swelled with pride. "Then a scholar you shall become. Our kingdom thrives on the dreams of its youth. Let us ensure you have all the books you need."

"My dear people of Aryavarta, your joy fills my heart," she began, her voice carrying warmth and sincerity. "But tell me, how do you fare? What news from your homes and fields?"

"Your Highness, we are blessed with your concern. The season has been generous, our granaries are full, but the river threatens to flood its banks. We fear for our homes."

Nodding, her expression turned thoughtful, and she replied, "Fear not, for we shall strengthen our banks and secure our homes. No harm will come to you ."

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