14. Tranquility

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"Enough putri. It is more than enough for all. It is not your responsibility to prepare food every day. Day in and day out, you have taken away all my burdens from the movement you have entered this place. Now leave the rest for me. And off you go to the grounds." Gurumata berated the lotus-eyed girl, who was still engrossed in preparing the laddoos.

" Gurumaa I am almost finished with the desert. It will be bramhamuhurat soon, and everybody will be awake then. What would be the point of this surprise if all my gurus came to know of it?" came a swift reply.

It was Guru pournima that day, and quite luckily Devashree had received quite an amount of different cereals and a large quantity of milk when she had gone to collect the daily bhiksha as was the duty of a shishya. She thought it was quite strange.

While roaming the village's streets adjacent to the jungle, she came across a decently dressed old man. She had approached him with joined palms, bowing her head, and greeted him. Hearing no response when she glanced at him, she saw that he was looking dazed. His eyes were wide open, as if in shock. When she had tried to touch him to bring him out of whatever stupor he was in, he actually staggered and fell on his rear.

"Devi, Dhanya Bhag Hamare!! he had whispered in reverence.

"Huh, Majajan, devi nahi shishya. I am a shishya of Guru Venkat, here to ask you for some bhiksha.

He had again momentarily looked stupefied. He was looking at her as if she had asked him for his whole property. Then he hurriedly collected himself and stood up. He called his son and instructed him to give all the food in the house to the girl.

"Arey what are you doing, if you would give me everything , what would you and your son eat?"

"Don't deny me this putri, it is my Dharm. And don't worry about me I am sure I won't be facing any problems today, certainly not hunger. I feel like I have achieved akhand tripti today.

And thus she was preparing a feast for her Gurus and fellow gurubhais and bhaginis. She was very grateful to the good-natured man she had met but at the same time, she was worried for him. He had given all his cereal and milk to her.

"Guruma I think I did not mix enough ghee in these laddoos. Please check it once for me."

" Devashree enough now, I am sure everybody will be very happy to consume the food made by you, just like they have been doing for the last five years. Now run along or you will be late for the practice."

Devashree quickly washed her hands and stepped out of the kitchen when a sudden force from behind made her sprawl ungracefully on the ground.

" Woof"

She turned her head only to be met with a face full of white fur almost covering her, knocking out her breath.

"Rudra, get off me"

It was the tiny wolf cub Devashree had rescued when she was little. Now he had become majestic, towering over her. She had tried to leave him in the forest once, but he had found his way back to her. She couldn't do anything about it.

With a coat as thick and luxurious as a winter's blanket, Rudra shimmered in shades of silver and gray, each strand catching the light to create a living tapestry of the forest's hues.

His eyes, deep and piercing, a striking amber, offering a glimpse into a soul both ancient and knowing.Towering in stature, Rudra moved with a dignified grace that showed his powerful frame. Muscles rippled beneath its plush fur with each measured step, a testament to its prowess and agility.

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