11.Gurukul I

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The three reached the outskirts of Kirmada forest as the last rays of sun touched the ground.

Acharya Venkat stopped the chariot and stepped down, Devashree with her furry friend and Pratap following.

Both were dressed in simple saffron attire in striking contrast to their luxurious palace lifestyle.

"We shall walk to the ashram from here on. The ashram is located in the eastern part of Kirmada forest as it is relatively safer while the western part has many dangerous beings. You both are strictly forbidden from stepping into that region. The river Purna separates the two parts so do not cross the river."

Acharya Venkat instructed them in a no-nonsense tone.

"Ji gurudev" the sibling chorused.

It took them another half prahar to reach the ashram which was nestled amidst the beauty of nature. Tall pine trees surrounded the clearing.

They were then introduced to Gurumata Sushma, wife of Acharya Venkat. The two disciples touched her feet in respect and turned towards their gurudev.

" Tomorrow we shall begin your training. Your Gurumata will show you the housing area of the ashram. Take some rest and present yourself for dinner in the last prahar of sandhyakal."

" Jo aagya Gurudev."

The next day they were wide awake even before the sun had risen.

" Pratap, how come you are up so early today? " Devashree enquired to her brother. He has never been a morning person.

" Oh jiji I couldn't sleep at all actually. I am excited as well as nervous at the same time. We are going to learn the various arts of warfare" Pratap exclaimed, his eyes shining at the prospect.

"Same with me my dear Pratap. We have heard about brave warriors of the past from Pitashree. I have seen him and Bhratashree yield the weapons with such ease. Now we will get to learn the same. Imagine Pratap, we too shall be able to handle the mighty astras and shastras with proper knowledge and practice."

"This is our Bramhacharya phase in life Pratap. We must excel in this stage not just for ourselves but also for our kingdom and its people. They have given us all that we have, now we must learn and give it back to them many folds." Devashree instructed Pratap.

She was only 5 springs old but in this ashram, she was supposed to be the elder one to her Pratap. The one who should be a guiding light to him in the absence of their guru.

" Yes jiji, I promise to try my best."

"Gurudev had said that we shall begin the military training with Dhanurvidhya" Devashree reminded Pratap.

" Yes jiji, that is what makes it so interesting. Pitashree had already given us basic training in bows. I had seen you aim once jiji, you were amazing!!" Pratap gushed to his sister, eager to follow her steps and be like her.

" I know Pratap but we are here to learn from scratch, so keep the mind blank like a canvas and soak up like a sponge. Now come we must proceed towards the training grounds."

As the sun began its ascend, painting the sky in shades of gold and orange, the serene riverside meadow came alive with the gentle rustle of leaves and the distant call of birds chirping.

In this tranquil setting, Guru Venkat, a master of Dhanush Vidya, stood with an aura of calm authority.

Beside him, his two young disciples, Devashree and Pratap, siblings in both blood and spirit, awaited with eager anticipation, each holding a beautifully crafted bow.

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