72. Conquering Poison

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Her eyelids fluttered, and her breathing grew erratic.

A low moan escaped her lips, filled with a pain and confusion that tore at Krishna's heart. "Shh, it's alright, Shree," he whispered soothingly, leaning close to her ear. "I'm here. We're all here. You're safe."

Devashree's eyes opened, but they were unfocused, clouded with the remnants of the poison's grip. She muttered incoherently, her words a jumble of fear and confusion. "No... no, please... don't..."

"Shree, it's me, your Krishna," he said firmly, yet gently. "You're safe. No one will harm you." He held her hand firmly, his eyes locked onto her face, willing her to come back to him.

Her muttering grew more frantic, her words a mix of fear and desperation. "No... no, please... don't... Saanvi..."

The name fell from her lips like a stone into a still pond, sending ripples of shock and anguish through Krishna. His breath caught in his throat, his grip on her hand tightening as he closed his eyes, overwhelmed by a wave of despair.

His grip on her hand tightened, his knuckles white. "No... no, not that day," he whispered, his voice filled with anguish. "Oh Priye..."

Balram stepped back, his face a mask of grief and helplessness. He had seen his brother face countless battles, but nothing could compare to this moment, to the raw pain in Krishna's eyes.

"Saanvi..." Devashree's voice was a broken whisper, her eyes wide and filled with tears, though she seemed not to see the room around her. ".. please, no..."

Krishna closed his eyes, a deep, guttural cry escaping his lips. He bent closer to Devashree, his forehead resting against hers, his tears mingling with her sweat. "I'm here, Shree," he murmured, his voice choked with emotion. "It's not that day. Please wake up."

He closed his eyes, tears escaping his eyes as he thought back to the day.

The air was thick with tension as they made their way to the abode of Mahadev.

Narayan led the way alongside Bramhadev and Saraswati. The gods were pleading for Mahadev's intervention against the formidable demon Soorpadman, whose tyranny had become unbearable.

"Mahadev, we plead you," Indradev implored. "Soorpadman's reign of terror must end. Only you can vanquish this evil."

Mahadev listened to their pleas. His eyes closed in contemplation, and then, with a swift motion, he opened his third eye.

From it emerged a spark of intense energy, so fierce and potent that even Parvati, took fright and fled.

The spark descended and transformed into six radiant infants, each glowing with divine brilliance.

Bramhadev, Narayan, and Saraswati stepped forward, their hearts filled with awe.

Narayan picked up two of the babies, cradling them gently in his arms. "Behen Parvati would be so happy after seeing her children," he cooed softly, a gentle smile playing on his lips. Bramhadev and Saraswati did the same, marveling at the divine infants.

News of the miraculous birth reached Parvati, and her heart ached with a mixture of longing and resentment.

She returned to Kailash, her eyes blazing with anger. Seeing the celestial beings cradling the babies, she felt a sharp pang of exclusion and betrayal. How could these children be born without her involvement?

"It was at your request that Mahadev brought forth the spark," she accused, her voice trembling with fury. "And now you hold these children in your arms as if they are yours! It is because of you that Mahadev produced children without my involvement!"

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