19. The Kirmada forest

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In the gentle embrace of the evening, the family had gathered, with Nand Baba, Yashoda Maiya, and Rohini Mata seated comfortably in the open courtyard of their home. The air, was filled with the serene beauty of Vrindavan, and the sky above, a canvas of twilight hues. 

"Arrey Rohini, have you noticed how our Kanha's been all dreamy-eyed lately? Always whispering sweet nothings into the air as if his 'Priye' might hear him across the winds," Nand Baba started with a mischievous glint in his eye.

"Haan! Just yesterday, I teased him, asking if we should keep a plate ready at dinner for his invisible lady love. You should've seen how he blushed!" said Yashoda, her tone joyful and fond as she spoke about her Lalla.

"I even caught him talking to the cows about her as if they're in on the secret. So, I teased him a bit, 'Krishna, when is this mysterious 'Priye' of yours gracing us with her presence? Should we prepare a feast?' His cheeks turned as red as ripest tomatoes. Ekdam laal!"

They all burst out laughing, their joy echoing through the courtyard like a melody.

"Bas, this morning, he was lost in thought by the Yamuna. So I asked him, 'Daydreaming about your beloved?' All he gave me was that knowing smile and said, 'Maiya, love is like this river, ever-flowing and ever-new.'  Ab koi ispar kya hi kahe!"

"Vahi toh! It's a dance of words with him. I once cornered him, saying, "Krishna, this girl of yours, will we ever meet her?" And what does he say? "Baba, she is in the heart of all creation." Batao, now how does one argue with that? It's like chasing the wind." Nand Baba shook his head with fond exasperation.

"And his flute! Have you noticed how his tunes have changed? There's a new longing in them, as if each note is a love letter, flown on the wind, meant only for her." 

Yashoda Maiya sighed softly." True, his devotion is evident. But so is his playfulness. He enjoys our baffled curious looks, our attempts to unveil his secret. And, oh, how he blushes when we tease him! It's a sight more precious than the finest jewels. He speaks to the cows as if they're his confidants, tells stories to his flute, converses with his peacock feather, and even shares his thoughts with the Yamuna. Our Kanha, always lost in his own world, full of love and wonder," Yashoda said, her voice trailing off as she pondered the mystery that surrounded her beloved son.

A thoughtful expression crossed her face. 

Who is she, this mysterious 'Priye' who resides in the heart of my Lalla?  Who is this enchanting soul who has captivated the essence of her Kanha? Yashoda wondered. What magic does she weave to hold his heart so tenderly?

Is she a goddess in disguise, gracing their humble abode with her divine presence? Or is she a simple village girl, whose purity and innocence have enchanted her son?

"She must be someone extraordinary to capture his heart so completely." Yashoda's eyes softened with a mix of curiosity and affection as she imagined the enigmatic figure who had ensnared Krishna's thoughts.

"Sometimes, I see him gazing into the distance, his eyes filled with a longing that only true love can bring. I wonder what she is like—the one who holds such a special place in his heart. Is she as kind and gentle as he is? Does she share his love for the simple beauty of our world, the same way he does with every living thing?"

"When he whispers to the cows, does he tell them of his love for her? When he plays his flute, do the melodies carry his feelings to her across the winds? And when he touches his mor pankh, does he dream of the day they will be together?"

She sighed softly, a tender smile playing on her lips. "I may not know who she is, but I can see the joy she brings to him. His face lights up with a happiness that only true love can bring, and that is enough for me. As a mother, all I wish for is his happiness, whether he finds it in our little village of Vrindavan or in the heart of his beloved."

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