4. Vinayaka

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In Kailash, Parvati was beaming from ear to ear. 

She herself had been almost shattered after hearing about Devi Radha's curse.

She was not just her bhrata Narayana's Priya behen but also the paramsakhi of Devi Laxmi. They were extremely close, even if they were diverse in their encompassed shaktis they were quite similar in their views and thoughts. They were always ready to help each other.

"You seem very happy, Gauri." Mahadev interrupted her thoughts.

"How can I not be Mahadev? My bhrata and sakhi have managed to tackle yet another extreme situation. I have to commend Sridama though. He was very quick to realise that sacrifice and devotion are just another form of love."

" My Aradhya's Leela is unmatched, Gauri" Mahadev smiled and praised Narayan.

Ganesh who was sitting between them, was looking very delighted with this affair. He suddenly jumped and exclaimed,

" I am also very delighted that my mamishree won't be sad anymore. Now I can happily go to her to demand my modaks. I have waited for so long to have her modaks and ladoos."

Saying this, the little Lord Ganesha vanished from Kailash.

In Vaikuntha, Narayan and Ambuja were resting on Shesha, laughing at something Ksheer had said when little Ganesha appeared in front of them. The air around them was perfumed with the scent of lotus blossoms, and the gentle sound of celestial music filled the space. It was here, amidst this divine tranquility, that they received a visit from a most beloved and cherubic guest, little Ganesha.
" Mamashree, mamishree!! " he called out, He was seeing them after a long time.

Seeing cute little Ganesha calling her, a smile spilled on Jagatjanani's face.

Ganesha, with his elephantine charm and childlike curiosity, toddled into Lakshmi's presence, his eyes wide with wonder at the splendor around him. In his hand, he clutched a small, beautifully wrapped package, a gift he had brought for his mamishree his enthusiasm barely contained.

"Mamishree," he calls out, his voice a delightful blend of reverence and excitement, "I've brought you something special!"

"Oh, my dear Ganesha!! Look how big you are. Last time I had seen you, you had just started walking." The allmother spoke affectionately, her eyes crinkling with love and adoration.After the death of her son, Kamadev she had come to see Ganesha just like her own.

Even though it had been several yugas, her heart still stung in his absence. But Ganesha manages to reduce her grief with every moment that he spends with her.

Ganesha rushed into her embrace, his tiny feet barely keeping pace with his eagerness. Once close enough, he presented the package to her with both hands, his eyes gleaming with anticipation.

Lakshmi carefully unwraped the gift to reveal a small, handcrafted idol of herself, made with the simplicity and innocence only a child could muster. The idol, though not the work of a master craftsman, was perfect in its imperfection, radiating love and sincerity.

"Oh, Ganesha! This is beautiful," Lakshmi exclaims, her voice filled with genuine admiration. "Did you make this for me?"

Ganesha nods, a proud smile spreading across his face. "Yes, mamishree! I made it because you bring prosperity and happiness to everyone, and I wanted to make you happy too!"

Touched by his thoughtfulness, Lakshmi drew Ganesha closer, planting a gentle kiss on his forehead. "My dear, you have brought me more joy than you could ever know. Your gift is a treasure I will cherish forever."

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