77. Whispers of the Heart

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A hard glint entered Krishna's eyes, his serene demeanor giving way to an intensity that only his closest kin would recognize.

"I need to speak with Subhadra about this first," he said, his voice calm but firm.

Before he could move, Balram placed a firm hand on Krishna's shoulder, guiding him away from the gathering and into a secluded corner.

"What are you doing, Kanha?" Balram hissed, his voice low but insistent. "Duryodhan is a great match for Subhadra. He is powerful, influential, and can offer her a life of comfort and prestige."

Krishna met his brother's gaze unflinchingly, his eyes a storm of emotions. "Dau, Duryodhan may be powerful, but his heart is filled with ambition and pride. Subhadra deserves a partner who will cherish and respect her, not someone who views her as a pawn in his political game."

Balram's brow furrowed, his grip tightening slightly on Krishna's arm. "You underestimate Duryodhan. He is our ally, and this marriage would strengthen our position. Besides, Subhadra's happiness is important to me too. I would not have agreed if I thought otherwise."

"Dau, do you not see what this truly means?" His voice was still calm, but there was a steel edge to it. "Duryodhan's intentions are not purely about family ties or Subhadra's welfare. This alliance is a strategic move to strengthen his position against the Pandavas."

"Kanha, you are seeing shadows where there are none."

"Have you forgotten the enmity between Duryodhan and the Pandavas? This marriage would only serve to further complicate matters."

Balram's eyes narrowed. "You always favor the Pandavas, Kanha. This is about more than just them. This is about our family, our kingdom."

"Do you truly believe Duryodhan will treat Subhadra with the respect and love she deserves?"

Balram's face softened slightly, but his resolve did not waver. "We cannot live in constant suspicion, Kanha. Sometimes, we must take risks for the greater good. Duryodhan is the Yuvraj of Hastinapur and soon will be the king. Subhadra will be a queen, and her position will be secure."

"I know you have Subhadra's best interests at heart, Dau, but I need to hear what she feels about this proposal. Her consent is paramount. Let me speak with her before we make any decisions."

Balram studied his brother for a long moment, the tension between them palpable.

Finally, he nodded, albeit reluctantly. "Very well, Kanha. Speak with her. But remember, this alliance could be beneficial for us all. Do not dismiss it lightly. And do remember Duryodhan is my best student and I have given him my word."

Krishna left Balram with a nod and made his way to Subhadra's chamber.

As he approached, he could hear the soft giggles of Nishath. The sound brought a brief smile to his face, reminding him of the innocence he was fighting to protect.

He paused at the entrance, taking a deep breath to steady himself before stepping inside.

Inside, Subhadra and Devashree were sitting on the floor, their attention focused on little Nishath, who had just learned to crawl. His delighted giggles filled the air as he made his way across the room, his tiny hands and knees patting the ground with determination.

"Bhratashree!" Subhadra exclaimed, looking up as he entered. "Look at Nishath, he's crawling so well now!"

Krishna managed a smile, though his eyes betrayed the seriousness of his thoughts. "Yes, he is. He's growing fast," he replied, crouching down beside them. He reached out to ruffle Nishath's hair, the child's innocent giggles a temporary balm to his troubled mind.

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