30. Shakti

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Heart pounding, Devashree's breath caught in her throat, she did the only thing that felt right in that moment, she ran.

She ran as fast as she could, her feet barely touching the ground, as if trying to outrun the sudden surge of feelings that threatened to overwhelm her. 

The news hit her like a physical blow, sending ripples of pain through her heart, and in her haste, she didn't know where she was going.

All she knew was that she needed to move and seek her Shyam. Her mind raced as fast as her feet, thoughts jumbled and chaotic.

She found him in the quiet solitude of his favorite spot, the serene place by the river, where the water whispered secrets to the banks. Krishna's presence, usually so comforting, now seemed like a challenge to her resolve.

But seeing his usually playful demeanor shadowed by a serious expression brought her to a halt. She stopped a few steps behind him.

On a second thought, she didn't understand why she reacted that way. 

Why was she so incensed hearing about the prospect of Radha's marriage? What it really pain that she was feeling? It couldn't be. At least not as great as Krishna's pain right?

Devashree again gazed at Krishna, grappling with her own storm of feelings, she began to notice the subtle signs of Krishna's suffering-a barely perceptible tightness around his eyes, and the lingering silences that spoke louder than words.

She went and took a seat beside him on the bank where they had first met. Wounding her arm in his, she dropped her head on his shoulder.

"Why don't you marry Radha, Shyam?" Devashree broke the tense silence in a low voice,aware of his pain.

Krishna looked sideways at his Shree who was resting her head on his shoulder. Only his Shree would ask him to marry another without thinking about herself, all for his happiness.

He put his hand on her small back, which caused her to raise her head and lock her deep brown eyes with his Kohl ones.

"Really, it would be perfect, not only you two love each other but your families are also great friends." Devashree pleaded to him.

"Radha's marriage to Ayan isn't just a simple union Shree ,it is destiny. Of choices and paths taken, and the inevitable flow of life's currents. Yes I have always harbored a special place for Radha in my heart, and it will remain so. Yet, the decision for Radha to marry Ayan is beyond my control, a decision made by families, by societal norms."

Devashree understood then; after all, she would have to do the same thing in the future.But she still felt a sting of pain, as if her soul was being pulled out of her body.  And Krishna must be grappling with his soul.

Understanding the depth of his feelings for Radha, she knew, no words of consolation could ease the ache in his heart.

Devashree noticed the shadow of melancholy that had begun to cloud his usually bright demeanor.

"Shyam," she said, her voice playful yet gentle, "do you remember a week before we tried to climb that mango tree, and you got stuck halfway up?"

Krishna's lips twitched with the hint of a smile as he recalled the memory. "How could I forget? You were the one who dared me to climb higher, promising to catch me if I fell."

"And catch you I did," Devashree laughed, the sound like music to Krishna's ears. "Even when you landed on me and knocked the wind out of both of us."

"Yes, we had a few bruises but they were worth it after all the mangoes we ate."

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