67. Punishments and Pillowtalk

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As Devashree crossed her arms, the guilty parties began to shuffle their feet nervously

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As Devashree crossed her arms, the guilty parties began to shuffle their feet nervously. One by one, they looked up at her with wide, pleading eyes, trying their best to appear contrite.

Krishna, clearly the instigator, stepped forward first, a placating smile playing on his lips. "Now, Shree, surely you wouldn't be too harsh on us for a little indulgence?" he began, his voice dripping with sweet persuasion. "After all, makhan is meant to be enjoyed, isn't it?"

Devashree raised an eyebrow, her arms still crossed firmly over her chest. "A little indulgence? You call devouring an entire week's worth of makhan a little indulgence?"

"But, Shree, it was so delicious!" he said, his voice earnest.

"Yes, we really couldn't help ourselves, Devashree. Besides, you know how much I love food." Bheem added, trying his hand at pleading

Devashree's gaze shifted to Bheem, her expression unyielding. "Love for food is one thing, Bhrata bheem, but this is simply too much."

"Devashree,  you know how irresistible Madhav can be when he starts one of his mischievous adventures. We were all just caught up in the moment." Arjun chimed in with a hopeful grin, still trying to wipe the telltale makhan from his cheek.

Devashree let out an exasperated sigh. "Arjun, you of all people should know better than to follow along with his antics."

Nakul and Sahadev, standing side by side, nodded vigorously, their mouths still bearing traces of the creamy treat. "We promise it won't happen again bhabhishree," Nakul said, his voice almost pleading. "We just got a bit carried away."

"More like lost all sense of self-control," Devashree retorted, her eyes narrowing at the younger brothers.

"Devashree, we understand your frustration, but consider this a lesson learned. We will ensure to be more mindful in the future." Yudhishthir, the epitome of dignity attempted to take a more rational approach, despite his makhan-smeared hands,

Sensing that the collective appeals were having little effect, Krishna stepped forward once more, his grin widening. "Bhrata Yuddhisthir my beloved wife is known for her boundless compassion and forgiveness," he said, his tone playfully confident. "She wouldn't mind at all."


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