63. The Wheel Of Fate

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With a roar that echoed across the heavens, Mahadev's wrath erupted.

With a roar that echoed across the heavens, Mahadev's wrath erupted

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"Rudra mamashree..."

Kamadev felt a shiver run down his spine as he met the anger in Mahadev's gaze. Fear struck him like a lightning bolt. His playful demeanor vanished, replaced by a dawning realization of the peril he faced.

"Maa! Pitashree!" Kamadev's voice rang out, a desperate cry that echoed through the realms, pleading for the protection of his parents. "Please, help me!"

But it was too late.

Mahadev's third eye, glowing with an infernal light, snapped open.

The ground trembled, and a wave of searing heat surged forth. The air crackled with the sheer power of his fury, and the sky darkened as if to mourn the impending doom.

Kamadev's eyes widened in terror as the fiery gaze bore down upon him. He barely had time to gasp before the incinerating force struck him.

Lakshmi and Narayan, who were seated in their celestial abode, felt the reverberation of their son's call, and their hearts skipped a beat as they recognized the fear and desperation in his voice. They exchanged a glance, their expressions instantly shifting from serene to alarmed.

"Narayan!" Lakshmi gasped, her eyes wide with alarm. "It's Tanu. He's in danger."

Narayan's expression hardened, and without a moment's hesitation, he grasped Lakshmi's hand. "Priye," he said, his voice resolute. "We must reach him."

In a heartbeat, they vanished from their abode, reappearing on the scene just in time to witness the horrifying sight unfolding before them.

The air was filled with the acrid smell of burning, and where her beloved son had stood moments ago, only a small pile of ashes remained.

"NO!" Lakshmi's scream echoed across the heavens as she rushed forward, but it was too late.

Narayan's eyes widened in horror as he took in the scene. "Kama!" he roared, his voice shaking the very foundations of the universe.

The weight of the loss of his son bore down on him like the heaviest burden, threatening to crush the very core of his being.

He saw Kamadev's smiling face flash before his eyes, the memories of his laughter, his playful antics, and his boundless energy flooding his mind. Each memory was a stab to his heart, each recollection a reminder of the joy that had been brutally torn from him. Narayan's hands, usually so steady and assured, trembled as he reached out to the empty space where his son once stood, as if trying to grasp the intangible remnants of his presence.

A low, guttural moan escaped his lips, a sound of such raw, primal pain that it seemed to echo through the cosmos.

Narayan, who had faced countless challenges and battles, now found himself helpless in the face of this personal tragedy. He fell to his knees, his head bowed, his tears mingling with the ashes on the ground.

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