74. Why Rajasuya?

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Log toh iss pathar mein Bhagwan dhoondhte hain... aur ek main hoon, jisko swayam sakshat darshan ho rahe hain.

It was the sight of the real divine couple entering the hall that brought tears to Narad Muni's eyes.

He slowly rose to his feet, his hands folded in a deep namaskar, his heart pounding with the overwhelming joy of the moment when he first time came face to face with his Prabhu Narayan and Mata Lakshmi in this lifetime.

Krishna's eyes twinkled with the familiar mischief and wisdom, while Devashree brightened seeing a familiar face after such a long time.

"Panipaat, Devarshi." Krishna and Devashree reached Narad Muni and bowed deeply.

Narad Muni gently placed his hands on their heads, giving his blessings upon them. "Shri Krishna,Shri Sri Devi, it is a blessing to be in your company. Seeing you both together like this fills my heart with indescribable joy. Truly, I am blessed." he whispered to them.

"No Devarshi, your presence here is a great honor for us. We were to inaugurate this grand assembly hall, but how can we proceed with such an auspicious task when a great sage like you is present? It is only fitting that you do the honors." Devashree said to him.

Narad Muni shook his head in protest.

"No, no, Devi. This honor belongs to you and Shri Krishna. You are the guests of honor, and it is only right that you inaugurate this grand hall."

"Devarshi, if we were to inaugurate the hall in your presence, it would be as if we were ignoring or disrespecting you. You must lead the inauguration, or else we shall have to bear the burden of this sin." Krishna carefully said his words.

"Shri Krishna, you jest as always. How can I, a humble servant of the Lord, take on such a responsibility when you, the Supreme Lord Himself, are present?" he whispered in protest.

"Devarshi, it is said that the greatest service to the divine is to follow dharma and honor those who walk the path of righteousness. By performing the inauguration, you will be fulfilling this very principle. Besides," Krishna added with a sly grin, "you wouldn't want to be responsible for us committing a sin, would you?"

Narad Muni chuckled softly, knowing he had been outmaneuvered by his Prabhu's wit. "Very well, Shri Krishna," he said, "If it is your wish, I shall perform the inauguration."

Krishna and Devashree exchanged a satisfied glance, as they hey stepped back, allowing Narad Muni to take center stage.

As Narad Muni moved to the center, nobody noticed the tears that glistened in his eyes.

In his long life, he had seen countless gods who demanded the greatest honors, who cursed and raged when their egos were not appeased. Yet here were his Prabhu and Mata, the epitome of humility, urging him to take on an honor that they deserved far more.

If the Supreme Lord and Lady of the Universe could bow down to serve others, then who were all they to cling to their own pride and ego?

As the rites concluded, guests mingled, sharing warm smiles and exchanging congratulations while servants moved gracefully among them, offering trays of water and bowls of auspicious prasad

Devashree sighed softly as she sank into the plush cushion of her chair, brushing a hand against her slightly bulging stomach.

"Are you feeling alright, Shree?" Krishna whispered, his eyes soft with concern.

Devashree nodded. "I'm fine, Swami," she replied, her voice soft. "Just a little tired, that's all."

"You've been on your feet all morning, my love," he said, his tone gentle. "Let me fetch you something. "

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