33. Balrama's Plan

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"Pssst Vasuki, this is no time to sleep! Wake up!"

"Ugh! Go away, Ananta, let me rest!" Vasuki, who was resting around Mahadev's neck, grumbled in protest.

"This is a matter of the universe itself! And it needs your help o, mighty king of serpents!" Ananta said, buttering him.

"And here I thought I would finally have some semblance of peace now that you are in Mrityulok!" "What is the matter?" Vasuki finally opened his one eye.

"Help me convince Mahadev to hide some thoughts from Prabhu." That caused Vasuki's nonexistent eyebrows to disappear upwards in his scales if that was even possible.

"Why? Planning to prank the god of mischief, are we?"

"Something like that."

"And just why should I help you?" Vasuki smirked, looking at Ananta in delight.

Shesha gasped, widening his yellow eyes."The king of serpents, the serpent of Bholenath, refusing to aid a fellow snake? What will the people say? What will Devgan say? What respect will be left for you?" The Anant Shesha whispered in mock horror.

"Fine fine! I will help you" Vasuki grumbled in defeat.

But Mahadev, the Trikaldarshi, ever so wise and perceptive, interrupted their mental conversation.

"Kya kusurpusur ho rahi hai?" Mahadev chimed in, amused.

Both Ananta and Vasuki froze in terror. Had they messed up Mahadev's meditation?

"Mahadev!" "Prabhu!"

Mahadev just raised a single eyebrow in question.

"Mahadev, what is hidden from you? Help me, after all, it is all for the welfare of my Prabhu."

"Yes, Prabhu!" Vasuki also added.

"Hmm, I don't see a problem with it. Go, Ananta, I will help you. Besides, why should my Aradhya have all the fun?" Mahadev said, smiling his serene smile, which could uplift the entire universe.


Thus, in the evening, Balarama approached Aarav, his cousin from the maternal side, who was serving Rishi Sandipani at his ashram.

"Aarav, my dear cousin, I have a favor to ask you," Balarama began in a whisper.

Aarav was intrigued. His mighty Balram dau was asking him a favor.

"What Bharata? And why do I feel like I am not going to like it?" Aarav asked, his tone laced with suspicion.

"Do you know Devashree?" Balrama jumped at the point, totally ignoring Aarav's words.

Aarav smiled in delight." Yes, she is my friend! You should hear her arguments in the debate with Rishiwar. They are the best."

"Now, do you know that our Krishna has fallen deeply for her?" Balaram whispered conspiratorially


"Yes, my anuj. We must help him now realize his feelings before it is too late. This is a very noble cause. Punya kamaoge tum!" Balarama said, dramatically widening his eyes ,spreading his arms, and patting Aarav's shoulder.

"And just how will I do that ?" Aarav also replied in a whisper, conspicuously.

Balarama whispered his plan in his ear.

"Make him jealous!!! You want me to play the part of a suitor, to spark a flame of jealousy in Krishna's heart? Do you want me to die dau?" He pointed at himself, seemingly not believing his own words."Let me get this clear. You want me to flirt with Devashree?"Aarav asked, forcing a grin on his face."That too in front of Krishna?"

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