79. Chaos Unleashed

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A gasp rippled through the gathered crowd. Krishna's eyes darkened with worry, and Devashree's hand flew to her mouth in horror.

"A beast?" Krishna repeated, his voice dangerously calm. "Describe it."

Duryodhan's voice trembled as he spoke. "It had fiery red eyes and thick black fur. It was unlike anything I've ever seen. It fought me off and then... it took her."

"Are you telling me," Balram's voice boomed through the hall, "that a great warrior like yourself couldn't fend off a wild beast? What were you thinking, letting it take Subhadra?"

Duryodhan recoiled slightly under Balram's stern gaze, his face pale and filled with shame. "I... I tried, Gurudev," he stammered, "but the creature was too powerful. It happened so fast..."

Krishna placed a calming hand on Balram's arm, his expression serious yet composed. "Dau," he said firmly, "we need to focus on finding Subhadra."

Devashree was unable to contain her emotions any longer and burst into tears. Her knees buckled, and she almost fell, but Krishna quickly moved to support her, his arms wrapping around her protectively.

"Shree, stay strong," Krishna murmured, his voice filled with a mix of determination and worry. "We will find Subhadra and bring her back safely."

Devashree clung to Krishna, her tears soaking his shoulder. "How could this happen, Swami? What kind of monster could take Subhadra like that?"

Krishna's eyes hardened with resolve as he gently stroked Devashree's back. "We will find out, Shree. We will gather our best warriors and trackers and search every inch of that forest. Subhadra will not be left to the mercy of that beast."

Devashree's cries filled the hall, echoing the sorrow that gripped Mata Rohini and Mata Devaki, who also wept for Subhadra.

"I didn't know you were such an actress, Priye." Krishna leaned in close to Devashree, whispering softly into her ear.

Devashree pulled back slightly, her eyes filled with tears, and she placed a hand on her pregnant belly. "Oh, Swami,... the worry is too much," she exclaimed, her voice laced with distress.

Pita Vasudev placed a reassuring hand on her shoulder. "Do not worry so much, my dear. We will find Subhadra. You must take care of yourself and the baby."

Devashree shook her head, tears streaming down her cheeks. "How can I not worry, Pitashree? Subhadra is out there, alone and in danger. I... I can't bear it."

Mata Rohini hurried to her side, her hands gentle as she guided Devashree to a nearby seat. "Sit down, dear. You need to rest for the sake of your child. We'll bring Subhadra back safely, I promise."

Balram's eyes were scanning the scene of distress before him. His gaze fell on Devashree, who was still clutching her belly and sobbing. The sight of his family's anguish ignited a fiery rage within him. He turned to Duryodhan, his eyes blazing with fury.

"You dare to call yourself a warrior?" Balram's voice boomed through the hall, cutting through the sorrow-filled atmosphere. "My sister's life is in danger because of your incompetence!" His words carried a sharp edge of disappointment and anger, directed squarely at Duryodhan.

"Dau," Krishna said firmly, "we need to focus on finding Subhadra. Blaming each other will not bring her back."

"But he let her get taken," Balram argued, gesturing towards Duryodhan. "What kind of warrior allows such a thing to happen? I entrusted him with the protection of my sister! Do you think you deserve to be her husband when you can't even protect her from a wild animal?"

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