60. A Touch of fire

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Heads up, my dear readers!

Warning: Steamy Scenes Ahead! Nothing too extreme

This chapter contains mature themes that would make even Bramhadev blush. So, if you're younger than 15, let's pretend you're Bheeshma and can just skip forward  For the adults in the room—grab your fan, maybe a cold drink and enjoy only if you are in the mood.

Or else chodo waise bhi main kahan tumhare phone se kud ke aayungi, karo jo karna hai.

Or else chodo waise bhi main kahan tumhare phone se kud ke aayungi, karo jo karna hai

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Krishna walked with a calm, yet assertive pace, his arms securely cradling Devashree. 

Each step was measured and confident, resonating with a silent promise that was understood between them without words.

As they ventured deeper into the secluded corridor of the palace, a palpable sense of anticipation enveloped the air around them. 

Krishna's intense and unwavering gaze locked onto Devashree's eyes, which shimmered with a mix of trepidation and expectation.

He halted under the flickering glow of torchlight, which danced softly across his features, sculpting his face with light and shadow that emphasized the serious intent in his expression.

"I intend to be very persuasive," he murmured, his voice a blend of restraint and underlying desire.

The corridor's seclusion seemed to encourage him to let go of the careful control he typically showcased. 

With a swift, purposeful motion, Krishna gently set Devashree on her feet, only to push her back against the cool, hard surface of a stone pillar.

The chill of the stone contrasted sharply with the heat from Krishna's body as he pressed close, eliminating any space between them. His hands gently framed her face, his touch kindling a fire within her as he leaned in to meet her lips in a passionate, claiming kiss, like a storm unleashed with the ferocity of pent-up emotions.

Driven by a raw surge of desire, Devashree's body arched towards him as Krishna's mouth moved over hers with relentless intent. 

It was so intense that it left her breathless, her cheeks flushed a vivid shade of red from the fervor of their embrace. The world seemed to shrink to just the space they occupied, with the rough texture of the pillar against her back and Krishna's commanding presence enveloping her. 

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