20. The Mayakamal

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Devashree was falling with a swoosh of air,her eyes snapping close and her heart quivering with terror. This wasn't how she had envisaged her demise.

She opened her eyes as she felt the roughness of the earth beneath her the sudden, sharp discomfort that told her she had made contact with the ground. The air whooshed out of her lungs in a startled gasp, a mix of shock and disbelief coloring the moment. 

It was a strange sensation, this uncontrollable descent, as if time had both sped up and slowed down. 

She was lying there on the ground, a tangle of limbs and confusion, trying to process the sudden shift from vertical to horizontal, which surprisingly did not occur at the cost of being transfigured into ashes.

How did that happen? Why wasn't I burned to ashes?

What she did not realise was that she herself was Maya-the delightful delusion, the dreamlike expression of divinity that made life comprehensible. How could then the Vanmaya not bow before her?

Devashree again saw the golden flecks of the barrier reforming itself in front of her. 

A sudden shout near her forced her to divert her attention to her Gurubhai, Prayan. His face was pale, and with eyes blown wide, he rushed towards her.


"STOP JESTH! Stop right there. Look out; the barrier has reformed itself. Don't cross it. "

And indeed, it had reformed.

"Are you crazy, Devashree?! Why did you cross the barrier? "

"I stumbled Jesth because of the beast,-"

"What beast? There's no living being within miles of this place. No living being dares to come here."

Devashree fell silent. It was not the time to ponder her delusions. She took a deep breath, thanking all the gods above for keeping her alive. She stood up swiftly.

"It's fine, Jesth; now that I am inside, I should go and see that lake."

She cautiously made her way into the mystical forest. Shrouded in the mists of time and veiled by the mystical powers of Maya, lied the Vanamaya, the Illusionary Forest.

This enigmatic forest was said to exist on the fringes of reality, where the lines between the material and the spiritual worlds blur, weaving together the fabric of the seen and the unseen.

Vanamaya was no ordinary forest. It was a realm where nature's laws were bent by the cosmic illusion of Maya, creating an ever-shifting landscape that bewilders the mind and ensnares the senses.

Towering ancient trees, their bark inscribed with sacred scripts, stretched into the skies, their canopies filtering the sunlight into a myriad of ethereal hues. These trees, believed to be the abode of celestial beings, whispered ancient secrets and sacred knowledge to those who dared to listen.

 These trees, believed to be the abode of celestial beings, whispered ancient secrets and sacred knowledge to those who dared to listen

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