10. Of Valor And Vows

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In the royal palace, where the corridors echoed with the whispers of ancient kings and queens, a new tale of mischief was unfolding. 

Maharaj Devendra, the ruler known for his wisdom and valor, was revealing a less known side of his character.The sun had set, and the palace was bathed in the gentle glow of moonlight. 

It was the perfect time for a little adventure.

Devendra peeked into Devashree's room, where his young daughter was pretending to read, but her eyes sparkled with the anticipation of mischief. 

"Putri," he whispered with a grin, "are you ready for our little secret mission?"

Devashree's eyes lit up, and she quickly placed her book down, nodding enthusiastically. "Yes, Pitashree! Are we going to the kitchens tonight? I've been dreaming of the kheer all day!"

Devendra extended his hand with a conspiratorial nod, which Devashree grabbed with delight. "Let's go, my little partner in crime. The kingdom's best kheer awaits us, and I hear it's been seasoned with the finest of cardamom and saffron tonight."

Hand in hand, they tiptoed down the grand staircases, their steps muffled by the plush carpets. As they neared the kitchen, the aromatic fusion of spices and sweet milk wafted through the air, guiding them like an invisible thread.

Devendra held a finger to his lips, signaling silence, as they reached the kitchen door. Devashree covered her mouth to stifle her giggles. With a gentle push, Devendra opened the door just enough for them to slip through.

The kitchen was a realm of culinary wonders – pots simmered on large stoves, and the counters were lined with an array of sweets. 

But their treasure, the large pot of kheer, sat on a low simmer at the far end of the room. The Maharaj looked down at Devashree, his eyes twinkling. "Now, we must be as silent as the night air, Putri."

Devashree nodded, her tiny feet padding silently across the stone floor. As they approached the pot, Devendra glanced around to ensure no cooks were nearby. He then carefully ladled the creamy kheer into two small bowls he had grabbed from a shelf.

"Quick, under here," he whispered, as they ducked behind a large counter, shielding themselves from any accidental encounters. Sitting on the cool floor, Devendra handed a bowl to Devashree, their eyes gleaming with the thrill of their stealthy success.

Devashree took a spoonful, her face lighting up with pleasure. "This is the best kheer ever, Pitashree! It tastes even better because we stole it together."

Devendra laughed softly, enjoying the dessert but savoring even more the joy of this simple, shared moment with his daughter. "Yes, it is very sweet, do you know why? Because of you, my little darling."

They finished their bowls, giggling and whispering about their night-time adventure. 

 "We must do this more often, Pitashree," Devashree said, her voice low but filled with excitement.

As Maharaj Devendra and little Devashree indulged in their late-night escapade, their laughter echoing softly in the kitchen, they were unaware of the watchful eyes observing their mischief.

 Maharani Madhulika had been quietly making her rounds through the palace when she stumbled upon the scene.

 Here were her husband and daughter, huddled together in the dimly lit kitchen, feasting on stolen kheer like two mischievous children. But as she took in the sight of them, her stern expression softened, and a fond smile tugged at the corners of her lips.

"Arya! Devashree!" she exclaimed, her voice a mixture of reprimand and amusement. "What on earth are you two doing here at this hour?"

The Maharaj and his daughter froze, their guilty expressions evident even in the dim light.

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