65. Indraprastha

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As Krishna, Devashree, and Subhadra set off on their journey to Indraprastha, the atmosphere was filled with a mix of excitement and curiosity

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As Krishna, Devashree, and Subhadra set off on their journey to Indraprastha, the atmosphere was filled with a mix of excitement and curiosity. 

The sun shone brightly as their chariot moved swiftly through the scenic landscapes of Aryavarta. Krishna guided the horses with ease, ensuring a smooth and comfortable ride for the two women.

"Bhratashree, you mentioned Indraprastha so suddenly. I have never heard of it before. Can you tell us more about it?" Subhadra couldn't contain her curiosity any longer

Krishna smiled, his eyes twinkling with mischief. "Patience, Subhadre. You will see soon enough. 

Subhadra turned to her Bhabhishree with a pout, her brows furrowed in frustration

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Subhadra turned to her Bhabhishree with a pout, her brows furrowed in frustration.

"Bhabhishree, Bhrata Krishna is not telling me anything," she complained, her voice tinged with impatience. "He's being so secretive about it. Can't he just tell us more about it?"

Devashree chuckled softly at Subhadra's impatience, her eyes twinkling with amusement. "Oh, Subhadra, you know how he is," she replied, her tone gentle. "He enjoys keeping us on our toes, always teasing us with hints and riddles."

"But it's not fair," Subhadra protested, crossing her arms over her chest. "I just want to know what all the fuss is about. It's driving me crazy!"

Devashree placed a comforting hand on Subhadra's shoulder, her smile reassuring. "I understand, dear. But knowing Krishna, there's probably something special about Indraprastha that he wants us to experience firsthand."

Subhadra let out a sigh of frustration, her pout deepening. "I suppose you're right," she admitted reluctantly. "But sometimes, I wish he would just be straightforward for once."

Devashree couldn't help but laugh at Subhadra's frustration, her amusement bubbling up as she looked at her young sister-in-law's exasperated expression. "Oh, Subhadra," she said between giggles, "knowing Krishna, the earth might split open and the sky might fall before he reveals his secrets."

Subhadra couldn't help but smile at Devashree's playful remark, her annoyance melting away in the warmth  of her words. "You're probably right," she admitted with a chuckle. "I guess I'll just have to learn to be patient, even if it kills me."

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