Part 32

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"Cheese on bread

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"Cheese on bread. If one more engine goes out on me, I'm going to be the one blowing it up next time" cleo says as she tries to fix the jeep which broke down
"So yeah putting together all those photos you found, definitely looks like they're going to this place, Agapenta. Looks like it's a straight shot." Pope tells John b and I
"A straight shot as in how many miles pope?" John b asks
"A hundred kilometers give or take. About 62 miles. We can definitely make it there. Can't guarantee we're gonna make it back, but we definitely can make it there." Pope says

I went and bought some bread with some money I found in the jeep for everyone. Just as I walked back Cleo called us over.
"She's ready to go" she says as everyone starts to get on
John b gives me a smile knowing I wasn't feeling the greatest
"All right hey let's go. Quit lollyagging" pope says and I start to get on holding the bread up high
"John b I'm tired of driving. Take the wheel" cleo says
"All right let's go" jj says
"Frisbee?" Pope asks and I throw him the bread like a frisbee
"Oh good throw" he says
"Good catch" I smile back before jumping onto the jeep

After a long time of driving and looking out into the sand pope spoke up.
"All right John b this is the turnoff here. Looks like there should be a well or something up there road. We can stop for water then head over to Agapenta." he tells him and John b drives until we reach a well

"Pope I really hope you're right about this well." John b says as we all get off
"No it's good. It was on the map.... Feels like we've been driving for seven years" pope says
"I don't think I've ever been so thirsty in my life" I say
"Couldn't agree more. Is there any water in this thing?" Kie asks as we walk over and that's when I finally see jj looking at someone's bag. Then I hear someone shout from inside the well. We all look over the well to see Groff down there.

"Well guess we found Groff huh?" Jj says as I look over at him
"Just... let me handle this" jj says walking over and we all back off
"Who's down there?" Jj asks
"Help I'm trapped!" He yells
"Dad?" Jj asks
"Jj. Is that you? Oh my God. Divine vision!" Groff says
"What happened?" Jj asks
"I'm trapped down here because of that Rafe" he says and I look up
"But now, my boy my beautiful boy is here to rescue me" Groff says
"What happened to the scroll?" Jj asks
"Rafe. He took it and he tried to kill me. But I know where it is. I know how to get it back, we'll go. We'll go together. Just throw...throw me the rope..... jj?" He says and jj walks over to us

"I don't think you should trust him. But that kinda goes without saying huh?" Pope says
"Jj it's your call" kie tells him
I look at him and he looks at me.
"We support your choice" I nod to him

He turns back around just as Groff yells again
"Jj? Jj? J- ah. Did you get the rope? It's just- it's attached to the bucket by the well. Just throw it down to me" Groff says
Jj picks up the rope and starts to twist it around
"Jj I need you to throw me the rope." Groff says
"Why? Why should I do that when you tried to kill me?" Jj asks
"I snapped. Sorry. But I knew you'd get to shore. And I'm so glad you did. Just get me out of here jj and we will get the crown. Together. Just like we planned." Groff says
"You gave me away. You gave me away because you dont want me. You don't want a son. Now you come back into my life acting like you had to do that." Jj says
"No of course not. You're my boy I love you." He says
"No dont...don't say that. You don't know what that word means. You didn't even know me. You never were my father. You never even tried." Jj says
"I'm a weak man jj. You wouldn't kill me for that would you? That's not you. You're better than me." Groff says and jj grabs a bottle of water
"Being better than you really isn't that hard. Bye dad" jj says and throws him the water

Jj walks back over to us.
"You deserve a better family" kie tells him
"Yeah we all do" he mumbles and gets in the car
"Let's go get this crown" jj says
"Wait hold on. I gotta do something" I say getting off
"Ella what-" jj starts to ask and I walk over to the well

"Hey Groff!" I yell looking over the well
"Oh Stella sweetheart! I knew you would help me, you're my nephew. I mean you're just like your mother" he says trying to get me to help him
I cut a part of the rope off where it's barely even 3 feet long.
"Eat shit Groff" I smile and throw him the tiny piece of rope then walk back to the car

"You had to?" John b asks as I get in
"Yep" I nod then we drive off

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