Part 15

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"So based on the captains log, Blackbeard's in his ship, the adventure, somewhere out there

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"So based on the captains log, Blackbeard's in his ship, the adventure, somewhere out there. And they're being pursued by the British Royal Navy right? So he comes to shore takes a bunch of hostages. They called it the uh the-" pope says
"The Blockage of Charleston. That was eighth grade history." John b says
"The Charleston Blockade" I correct
"What's the difference?" He asks
"It-it is different. Anyway so guys being pursued but everybody knows he has a bunch of treasure aboard his ship. But somehow he's allowed to bring two of his dead crew mates ashore and bury them? Now listen to this, it's from Genrette's log all right? 'I've taken great care to ensure that the caskets are secure and protected from the elements'. Anyway so he brings his ship down into the harbor somewhere out there. He docks, and he brings the people to shore from the Half Moon Battery inland." Pope says leaning against the railing

"Half moon? Battery?" John b says pointing at the ground which looked like a half moon
"So I guess we just head inland" pope says
"Chop chop" cleo nods
I look at John b and smile
"Ok so I have a question. So if we're talking about caskets, that doesn't mean that we're going to another cemetery right?" He asks and I laugh putting my hand over his mouth

We walk up to the monument that had a bunch of names on it.
"Check this out. They're talking about Blackbeard on this." Pope says
"Come on" cleo says
"I think we're on the right track" I smile

"I think it may be down this way." Pope says as we walk
"No shit Sherlock" I laugh hitting his arm

We ended up walking for hours. And I mean hours. The sun had already set, the entire town was basically already asleep.
"Pope we've been walking for forever, and my feet hurt. What are we doing?" John b asks
"Listen it's a treasure hunt. You hunt for the treasure. It doesn't come to you." Pope says as I yawn
"You said you knew where we was going" cleo says
"I said I knew the general vicinity. You know what's been bothering me?" Pope asks
"What?" John b says
"Blackbeard was a treasure he desperately wants to keep. He's being my pursued by the British Royal Navy. They're blockading the entire city. Yet he finds time to make coffins to bury his cook and his navigator?" Pope says
"Woah woah woah woah. Time out time out. Dude he definitely put something in those coffins." John b says as we all stop walking
"100%. Half moon, Half Moon Battery, where the living and the dead collide. Which I figured is a cemetery" pope explains as I look at the building next to us seeing something

"All we have to do is figure out where-" Pope starts to say
"The North Star is?" I finish
"What?" John b asks looking at me
"That right there. That's the North Star." I tell them pointing at a glass window
"The North Star will guide the way." Pope says
"We're close now" cleo says

"Stella Cameron, have I told you I love you lately?" John b says
"Not enough, especially not with the right name either" I tell him laughing
"Pretty damn impressive. Here's the plan. Here's the plan. Listen up" pope says as John b wraps his arm around me

"I'm gonna need you and you for diversions. I need to check something in the church. You're on cemetery duty." Pope says
"Wait what?" John b asks
"Look for the gatekeeper in the cemetery. The gatekeeper will guide the way." Pope tells John b
"No." John b says
"Let's go" pope tell cleo and I
"No." John b says again
"You just got benched" cleo laughs
"All right let's do this." I say walking off with cleo and pope
"No no I don't do well with graveyards man" John b says
"You got it John b. Keep a look out" pope tells him
"You can do it. Stay safe I love you!" I tell him before walking off

"Where the living and the dead collide John b will provide. This is gonna be awsome" I hear him mumble as we walk inside

"Ok so we're look... we're looking for the entrance to a crypt." Pope tells us
"A crypt?" I ask him
"Yes. Ok all these old churches have one. A place where the living and the dead collide. So I need you guys to distract the priest while I look around." Pope tells us and I get a little distracted by this painting I see on the wall
"Stella hey" pope snaps
"Mmm?" I ask
"You with me?" Pope asks
"Yeah. Distract the priest. Got it." I nod
"How hard can it be?" Cleo says as we start walking over to the guy

We turn around when we hear something fall, only to see it was pope. He starches his head then walks off. I look at cleo then turn back around and walk towards the guy.

"Hi" I smile
"Can I help you?" He asks
"Yes we were wondering if you would take a minute to pray with us, over my friend here. She has recently been diagnosed with a terrible disease." I say
"Polio" cleo adds
"Polio" I nod
"But I thought polio had been eradicated. And you can walk." He says
"Very slow moving polio." Cleo tells him
"Late late onset. Tragic. They said they haven't seen anything like it. We...we need a miracle." I tell him
"Well I'd be happy to lead you guys in prayer if you'd like." He smiles
"Thank you" I smile
"Thank you father" cleo says as we sit down

"Gracious and loving God, we come before you in prayer, seeking your healing power for all of those who are sick and suffering. Help us to trust your divine plan" he says and flicks water on us and I flinch shutting my eyes as he does
"And teach us to find peace in your promises. Grant this young woman your strength and support her and her friends during this difficult time as she faces late-onset polio." He says
"Be praise" cleo says
"We ask all this in the name of Jesus Christ, our Lord and Savior. Amen" he finishes
"Amen" cleo and I say
"Thank you father" cleo says
"You're welcome to stay as long as you like" he tells us
"Thank you" I nod as he turns around

He walks up to a stand and as he steps close you hear a loud noise. Almost as if there was a door under. We look up at pope telling him to come down here as the priest walks off.

"Hey come here" I say waving him over
"Come on man" cleo says
"I got it. I think I got it" pope says running over
"All we got was wet man" cleo tells him
He starts to move the stand
"What? What are you doing?" Cleo asks confused but I understood when I heard the noise what was under there
"In a lot of these old churches, the crypts buried under the altar." He says moving it
"Yeah I'm sure they won't mind us moving that" I mumble as I look back to make sure he wasn't coming back
"Ok guys this is like a sacrilege" cleo says
"Yeah and we've already sinned once." I tell pope
"I think God will understand" pope tells us

He starts to rip the carpet
"Oh man now we have to rip the carpet too" I groan
"Pope" cleo says but he finally gets it open and you see the opening.
"I knew it" pope and I mumble at the same time
"Wait how did you know?" Pope asks me
"I heard the noise. Why do you think I waved you down?" I ask him
"I uh. Why didn't you help me?" He asks
"You were having a moment" I shrug

Then pope opens it up
"What are we looking for again?" Cleo asks
"The Blue Crown. Blackbeard's most famous treasure." pope answers
"Apparently in a coffin" I groan
"A coffin he buried 300 years ago. We gotta check it out. Ok so here's the plan. Two of us go down there. One of us stays here and keep watch." Pope says
"Not it" cleo says
"Rock paper scissors?" I ask her
We quickly do a round and I did paper while she did scissors.
"Damn it! The one time I do paper first" I groan
"The stairway to hell. I'll stay back" cleo says
"It's you and me" I tell pope
"Miss Cameron" he says handing me a flashlight
"I'm not gonna argue that one yet" I mumble

"All right. Yell if anything happens" pope says going down the ladder
"Like we'll be able to help." I say
"Don't worry. We already got prayed over" cleo says
"For polio. Not for another death mission" I mumble before going down the ladder

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