Part 29

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I was sitting out of the boat with cleo when we looked up to see a storm coming

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I was sitting out of the boat with cleo when we looked up to see a storm coming.
"Look" cleo says and stands up
I look out into the distance, that didn't look good at all.

I quickly went with cleo trying to tie stuff up inside so it wouldn't fall.
"Stuffs gonna fly all over the place if we don't lock it up. Tie down anything that can move." Cleo says as her and I try to move fast. I look up at jj who was just sitting there and not doing anything.
"Can you please do something jj? Please" I say giving him a basket to help
But he just starts to drink again.
"Give me that. Just... please" I say grabbing the beer from him then pushing the basket towards him
"I don't know what to do" I say to cleo
"Hey rude boy. Group activity." Cleo tells him and he finally starts to help a little bit

"Hurry!" Kie yells as we all run into a room
"This storm is crazy man" cleo groans
"Did you see the size of those swells?" Pope asks I as close the door
"Come here, grab onto something" pope tells us
"Hold onto something!" Kie yells as we all grab something
"Hey! Hey! Get me out of here!" I hear Rafe yell and I start to panic
"No! No!" Cleo yells seeing my face
"Do not let him out!" Pope tells me
"He's gonna drown. I have too" I tell them and get up. I stubble around and grab a knife. Then I start making my way down there.

"I'm coming!" I yell
I finally make it down there and grab the door.
"Cut my loose come on" Rafe says
"Ok. Please don't make me regret this" I tell him then cut the rope off
"You good?" I ask once he stands up
"Yeah" he nods
"Let's go" I tell him and make my way back up

Once we get back up there the boat was shaking like crazy. It seemed like John b wasn't even steering anymore.
"What's going on? John b? Something wrong. Somethings happened up there" I yell and make my way to the door
"Stella no stop!" Pope yells
"It's not safe!" Cleo yells but I was too focused on helping John b to listen

I quickly make my way outside of the boat yo get to John b. I make it right outside of the door to get yo John b.
"John b!" I yell
"Stella!" He yells back
I was about to go through the door when we hit a big wave and it knocked me down. I let out coughs as I try to stand back up.
"Stella! Hold on!" I hear John b yell and look up to see a big wave coming
It hits the boat sending water straight at me.
"No!" I yell trying to grab something but it was too late.

I fell into the water was some somehow able to come up for a moment.
"John b!" I scream
"Stella! Hold on!" I hear him yell
The water kept splashing over me cause me to gasp for air each time I came up.
"Stella!! I'm coming Stella!" I hear jj yell

The last thing I saw before a big wave splashed over me was jj jumping in the water.

It felt like life was going by in flashes. First all I saw was darkness and the big waves hitting me. But then someone was next to me, helping me stay above the water. It was jj. I'm not sure how he did it, or even what happened for the rest of the storm. But he saved me, and somehow kept himself alive at the same time.

We both managed to make it to some island. Not sure what was on the island or if there even were people, but we made it to land. At the moment that's all that mattered.

After we both crawled onto land we just stayed there for a while. Not saying a word, just taking a second to rest. After a minute we both sat up looking out at the ocean.

I look over at jj once I caught my breath
"You saved me" I say with tears in my eyes
"Yeah well couldn't let the only blood related family member I have left die right? Didn't seem right" he answers
"Jj" I say in a serious tone and he looks at me
"Thank you for saving me" I smile trying not to cry
"You've saved me plenty of times, I was just repaying the favor" he smiles back at me
Without thinking I pull him into a tight hug, crying into his shoulder. I felt him relax then hold me tighter as well, then I felt tears on my shoulder from him as well.

Once we pull apart I look at him.
"You're gonna be ok. I'm gonna help you through this ok?" I tell him
"I'd like that" he smiles I see him open his mouth to saying something else then close it
"What?" I ask
"I just- you know me, I push people away when they try to help. So just- if I do just kept trying to help me ok? Even if it seems like I don't want it" he tells me about to cry again
"I promise" I smile and he nods in response

I finally manage to stand up.
"Ready?" I ask
"For?" He asks
"To go find the rest of the crew obviously" I answer
"Yeah we should probably do that" he laughs

We spent a while walking. Night had fallen so we set up a fire and slept for the night. Once we woke up we started walking again. And not to long after  we saw something in the distance.

"Stella look" jj points out and I look up to see John b running towards us
"Oh my God" I mumble and take off running towards him. I drop my shoes and tears start to form in my eyes.

I jump into his arms once I get there and start to let tears fall.
"I've got you I've got you I've got you." John b says holding me
We put our heads on each other and I look into his eyes.
"Hey" he breaths out
"Hi. Hi" I smile holding his head
"Hi. You're alive" he says
"Yeah. You're alive" I say looking up at him
"How?" John b asks with tears in his eyes
"I was drowning. Jj saved my life. He saved our family" I say holding my stomach
We both lean and kiss, I wanted to cry happy tears. I thought I wasn't going to see him again, or anyone ever again.

Once we pull apart we both look over at jj. I move to the side some to let John b go over to him.
"Look man I was just the closest one, all right? That's it." Jj says but John b just brings him into a hug
"Brothers for life" John b says and jj finally hugs him back tight

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