Part 30

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"I think the next time we take a little trip, we should maybe plan ahead" John b says as we all sit around the fire "We can stay in a hotel next time" I add "And a shower" kie adds "Yeah I smell awful" I groan "I smelled myself today-" John b star...

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"I think the next time we take a little trip, we should maybe plan ahead" John b says as we all sit around the fire
"We can stay in a hotel next time" I add
"And a shower" kie adds
"Yeah I smell awful" I groan
"I smelled myself today-" John b starts to say
"You weren't the only one who smelled you" I laugh and everyone joins

"Home. All of us we made a home. Together. And then we lost it."

"Hey uh you know, what's a good name for a baby? JJ. Goes both ways actually. If it's a girl, if it's a boy" jj says and I smile
"What baby?" Pope asks
"God that's right you guys don't know." I laugh and grab John b's hand
"Uh John b and I are planning to get pregnant, soon. A lot of other details but yeah" I smile
"No way. A pougelet?" Cleo asks
"You?" Pope asks
"Yeah" I smile
"You'll be a freaking dad!" Pope yells running over to John b
"I'll be a dad!" He yells back as Pope tackles him in a hug
Cleo came over and gave me a big hug
"Oh man I can't wait" she smiles as we break apart
"Me either" I smile back then she hugs me again

"But we still had each other. We had everything that really mattered."

I look over at Rafe who was already looking at me. He had obviously heard what he had said being right there. I give him a smile but he just stares at me, almost as if he didn't know what to say.

"The question is, what would we risk to get our home back?"

"So we gotta get to this town, Essaouira right? Then we can find Groff's boat and figure out where he's headed." John b tells me as we all walk
"Find Groff. That'd be nice." I say thinking about how he tried to kill jj
"Yeah, without that scroll and lens, we're screwed. Hey does Rafe know about the crown?" He asks
"He says he only wants to find Groff. He says he doesn't care about treasure." I tell him
"Right, just like our dads?" John b says
"All right come on yall, civilization can't be that far right?" Jj yells

Well he was wrong. It was far. It was very very far. But finally we had made it to a town.
"There it is. My calculations were correct. That's Essaouira." Pope tells us as I sit on a rock for a little breather

"All right so the plan is, locate the wharf and find Groff ok? That's all we gotta do" jj says as we walk into town.
But once we get a good look at the town, that was completely filled with people he says,
"That might be a little harder than I thought." Jj says
"You think?" Pope asks
"Let's go. Let's go come on." jj says and we start walking again

We all start to walk through the crowd, still trying to stay together. I held John b's hand as we pushed past the people, some trying to get us to buy stuff.
"Yo we gotta get out of these alleys. I don't know where I'm going" jj says
Then we stop when we see a statue ahead.
"That might be something. Come on." Jj says as we follow him

"Yeah I knew it." Jj says as we walk up
"Yo that's Murad. The Barbary pirate. That's the guy Groff was telling us about." Pope says
"Holy shit. That's him. The Berber. The one who made the map to find the crown." John b says
"Which might be closer than we think" jj says
"It's a sign." Kie adds
"Yeah, let's keep moving come on" jj says as we start to follow him again

After a while of walking I started to feel sick. It was something the doctor said would happen, I would get random nausea if I didn't eat just like when you're actually pregnant.
"Hey Stella" John b says seeing me
"Oh my God" I mumble
"Hey what's wrong? You ok?" John b asks holding my side
"No i - I need to sit." I groan and he helps me sit
"What's wrong?" Kie asks kneeling next to him
"It's one of the symptoms, nausea from not eating." I tell her
"Nauseous? Ok ok. So you need to eat, it's been like what two days since you have." Kie says
"Yeah we gotta get her something" John b says
"Are you ok?" Pope asks me
"No she's not ok" kie says
"No I'm fine." I shake my head
"No she needs to eat. We gotta get her something" kie says

"No it's ok, it's just a symptom" I try to tell her
"You said to help we have to treat you like you're pregnant. So that's what we're doing, you need to eat" kie tells me
"Thank you" I whisper to her
"We don't have any money" pope says
"We can do it the old fashioned way." Cleo says
"A little five-finger discount?" Jj asks
"I don't want to hold up the group" I tell them
"No we're good." Jj tells me

"It's ok. Let's do it, let's just do it fast all right?" John b says
"I'm coming with. You need an experienced thief." Cleo tells jj
"Experienced thief? I got my PhD in thiefology" He says
"Come on" she tells him and they all walk off
"All right imma go too and just try to keep a lid on all the bullshit." Pope says
"Hey. I'll be right back" John b says
"I'll be fine go." I tell him
"We're gonna be right here. I promise" kie says
"Just breathe" kie tells me

"What are we doing? What the hell are-" Rafe starts to say
"Just stop Rafe" John b says as he walks past him
"All right we'll just hurry up with whatever dumb shit you guys are doing all right? We're wasting time!" Rafe yells
"Rafe!" I yell
"Hey! We're trying to be low-key. Blend. Make busy" kie tells him
"Yeah" he nods throwing his hands up not agreeing

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