Part 25

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"That thing still working?" John b asks pope as we walk "You hear it beeping don't you?" Pope asks as we start running again hearing the police coming"Hey hold on

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"That thing still working?" John b asks pope as we walk
"You hear it beeping don't you?" Pope asks as we start running again hearing the police coming
"Hey hold on. This way" John b says
"Go" pope says as we follow John b
"Oh shit" I mumble
"Wait no this way come on" John b says
"Wait John b the garage. Come this way" pope tells him
"What?" John b asks but we follow pope quickly running inside.

"Stop beeping. Stop beeping" pope says
"It's not a dog pope it's not gonna stop" I whisper yell at him. Cleo bends down and tries to get it off, but it won't budge.
"Stay still maybe I can slide it off" cleo says
"Stop thats not gonna work" pope says
"Shhh" I tell them as ten cop was right there
"Stop ouch! Try to tear it off" pope tells cleo
"Please be quiet." I tell them
"Guess we gotta cut off your foot" cleo says
"What?" I ask her
Then we hear the cop start to talk right outside the door.
I look behind us and see a wire cutter right there.
I quickly grab it and hand it to cleo, she cuts the band off of his ankle and we take off.

We run all the way to the boat and quickly get on and take off back to the house.
"Hey kie!" John b yells as we walk up to the house
"Kiera!" Cleo yells
"Kie! Wasn't she supposed to be here?" I ask them
"Kiera!" Pope yells
"And jj?" I ask seeing he wasn't here either
"We'll check the surf shack." John b tells pope
"Alright we'll check the house" pope says
"Kie!" I yell as we make our way to the surf shack
"Kiera!" John b tells
As we get closer we hear some type of yelling.
"You hear that?" John b asks me
"Kie" we both mumble and run over

"Guys! Guys I'm in here!" We hear kie yell
"Holy shit that's kie" John b says
"In the cooler?" I ask as we run over
John b quickly opens it and kie pops out
"Oh my God" she mumbles
"Hey come on" John b says helping her out
"How'd you get in there?" I ask her
"Are you ok? What's going on? What happened?" John b asks
"Groff happened. He came here, and he took the scroll. And oh my God. Wait I dropped my phone, I dropped my phone. I think he's still with jj" kie says holding her head then runs off
"What?" I ask running after her

"Pope! Cleo!" I yell as we run
"Hey we found her!" John b yells as we run
"We found her! Where's your phone?" I ask her
"I don't know. Over here somewhere" kie says looking on the ground
"You ok?" Pope asks kie
"Where you been?" Cleo asks
"My God!" Kie yells as she finally finds her phone and picks it up
"Are you thinking- shit" I mumble as she calls jj
"He's not answering. Jj can you call me back please?" Kie says
"Did you check find my friends?" Pope asks
"Yes I made him share his location last time he freaking disappeared. He's on the water" kie says
"What?" I ask
"He's leaving the island" kie says showing us
"Shit" I mumble then look at John b

We quickly took the boat out into the water following his location.
"Keep going. I lost signal. It was somewhere out here." Kie says as we all look out into the water
"Hey over here!" I hear someone yell and look to see jj not to far away
"Guys over there! It's jj!" I yell pointing
John b quickly drives us over to him and we help him up
"Pull him in pull him in" pope says as we help him up. We say him down leaning against the boat.
"Are you ok?" Kie asks
"Oh my God" jj mumbles
"Are you ok? What happened?" I ask him
"Jj you're good" kie mumbles as we see the blood on his shirt
"It's ok just breathe" I tell jj
"We're gonna get you back. What happened?" kie tells him
"Groff" jj mumbles
"Yeah I'm sorry. Im sorry." kie says then hugs him

We finally got back and found a spot to settle down, I helped kie clean and patch up JJ's side. It was night fall now and we were all by the fire.
"You know what the funniest part is? Is that i actually thought he was coming back for me. But no he just wanted to get rid of me. And now popes a fugitive. Welcome to the club bro. And we have nothing now. We all everything and it's all my fault." Jj says then gets up
"It's not your fault" kie says getting up to follow him
"Yeah it is" jj says and kie turns around and sits back down

I laid down next to John b as we looked at the stars.
"There's the North Star" John b says
"It's the one everything spins around." I say
"Stella, when Ruthie pushed you, everything changed." He tells me
"Oh my God stop" I mumble
"No I'm serious" he says
"It's fine" I tell him
"I just want to take care of us. I want to take care of you. So let's go find this blue crown thing, be set for life, then it's just you and me." He tells me
"Yeah. Sounds like a plan" I nod

"What's wrong?" John b asks me
"I'm scared." I tell him
"I'm scared too. You know what could help?" He asks
"What?" I ask him
"A song" he smiles

"City of stars
Are you shining just for me?
City of stars
There's so much that I can't see
Who knows?
I felt it from the first embrace I shared with you" John b sings
"That now, our dreams
They've finally come true.
City of stars
Just one thing everybody wants
There in the bars
And through the smokescreen of the worded restaurants
It's love
Yes, all we're looking for it love from someone else" I sing
"A rush, a glance
A touch, a dance
A look in somebody's eyes
To light up the skies
To open the world and send it reeling
A voice that says: I'll be there
And: you'll be alright
I don't care if I know
Just here I will go
Cause all that I need is this crazy feeling
A rat-tat-tat on my heart" we both sing
"Think I want it to stay
City of stars
Are you shining just for me?
City of stars" John b sings
"You never shined so brightly" I finish and smell at him

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