~𝒪𝓊𝓉𝑒𝓇 𝒷𝒶𝓃𝓀𝓈~
I never knew it could feel so good to be somebody's Star
John b x OC
Cover made by @disney_fanatic36
Season 1- ✅
Season 2- ✅
Season 3- ✅
Season 4- ✅
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"Hey. Hey come on Stella." Pope says as he reaches the bottom "Dude I'm coming chill" I mumble as cleo closes the door and I make it to the bottom. I use my flashlight to look around. "Coffins. Coffins." Pope mumbles
"Hey check it out. Confederate money from the Civil War." Pope says "That means no one's been down here in over 100 years." I tell him "And Blackbeard was here 150 years before that. Keep pushing." He tells me "This place gives me the creeps pope." I say as we walk
I shine my light on a brick wall and see a bunch of cracks. I walk over to it. "Hey pope I found something. Look at this. Pope pope" I say as I move one of the bricks "Yeah?" He asks walking over "It looks like they walked this in" I tell him and he touches it "Hold on a second" he says He goes and grabs a sword "You're using that to knock it down?" I ask him "I mean uh yeah" he says I look at him then just push it down with my hands. "Or we can do it that way" he mumbles
He looks inside "So who's going in?" He asks "Nose goes" I say touching my nose He tries to touch his but I already had mine "Shit" he mumbles
"You wanna stay out here by yourself?" He asks me "You still go first" I tell him "Can I have my flashlight?" He asks me "Oh yeah sorry" I mumble giving it to him "Thank you" he mumbles then crawls through
I start to crawl in after him, on all fours. "I can't believe I'm going this again. You guys know I don't like caves and you know I don't like tunnels, not anymore after the first death mission. This is bullshit." I tell pope "Hold on hold on." Pope says turning a corner "How much further?" I ask him "Unclear. I think we should just keep moving." He says "It smells like shit" I tell him "Ok do you want to keep complaining?" He asks me "No im not complaining, I am stating facts. And its a fact that it smells like shit" I answer
"Hey wait wait wait wait. I think I see something. It's so cool" He says then I hear something It sounds like a hiss almost. "Pope. Pope?" I ask looking behind me "Yeah?" He asks "What is that?" I ask "What is what?" He asks me "Don't you hear that?" I ask him "Hear what?" He asks "Shut up and listen!" I tell him letting a hiss noise happen "That" I tell him "Yeah. What is that?" he asks
"I'm praying that's not what I think it is" I say as the sound comes closer. I keep my flashlight there then a snake comes around the corner. "Oh hell no no no no." I mumble backing up "Shit don't freak out. Hey don't. Don't push me" pope tells me "Pope it's a fucking snake! I hate snakes!" I yell shoving him as the snake comes closer I let out a few screams as I push pope backyards. I push him too far and he falls down a hole hitting the ground. I was going to fall back luckily grabbed the edge before I could "Pope! Pope!" I yell looking down
I look up seeing it was multiple snakes coming towards me and not just one. I quickly grab the flashlight and let go, falling to the bottom. I crawl out of the tunnel quickly as one or two start to come down as well. "Close it! Close it!" I yell at pope "I'm trying!" He yells I quickly start to help him "I told you I hate snakes!" I yell as we push it closed
I let out a sigh once we get it closed. Then pope speaks up "Did you hear a lock?" He asks "What do you mean?" I ask him He tries to pull it open but it doesn't work, and I started to panic. "Move move" I say trying it myself "Ok be my guest" he mumbles "No!" I yell not being able to get it open "Just relax. There gotta be another way out of here" pope tells me "Damn it why does this always happen to me?! Why do I even volunteer to go? Like I've gone on enough death missions. I've especially already almost died enough. On top of that, I'm always getting locked in somewhere!" I yell
"You done?" Pope asks "For now yes" I nod "There's skulls and femurs. This is a real catacomb. Where the living and the dead collide." Pope says
We walk down a little more before we see it. "Coffins. I think we're close. These are crypts. Spooky." Pope says "Can you see them?" I hear a voice ask "Almost there. Keep going" another voice says and we turn to see flashlights "Turn off your flashlight" I tell pope as we run to go hide.
Pope climbs up a little to hide and I hide before a big stand. I try to see who it is but when a light flashes by I go behind the stand again. I look at pope who just puts a finger over his mouth.
I listen as I hear them trying to break into the coffins. "This one doesn't have a name" the man says "That's a good sign." The woman tells him
I hear something and look up on the stand to see a snake coming towards me. I let out a small sound before quickly covering my mouth and ducking down. "What was that?" The man asks hearing me "What are you stopping for?" She asks "I heard something" he says "It was probably snakes or rats" she tells him I look over at pope again who puts a finger over his mouth.
"This is Sam Bellamy. Teachs navigator. Just like you said captain" the man says "You're surprised?" The woman asks
I peak my head out and try to see what they grabbed. It looked like some type of map or scroll. "Held here for 300 years" the man says "What did I tell you?" The woman says as I look over seeing the snake right next to me. I let out a small gasp again before covering my mouth. I hear the man's gun cock and he starts to walk over with his flashlight.
I cover my mouth again as the snake starts to slither onto my arm. I try not to move or make a noise as I see the light flash by. "Who's there?" The man asks "Lightner we've got what we need. Now come on. Come on let's go now." The woman says and he finally walks off "I thought I heard something" he says
I don't hear a noise for a while but I still try not to move because of the snake. And if I scream they could still hear. "Are they gone?" I whisper to pope not moving. "Yeah" he answers "Are you sure?" I ask again "Yeah we're good" he nods getting down
I take a deep breath before throwing the snake off of me and running away letting out a little yell. "God I hate snakes, hate them." I mumble
"I think they took something with them. It wasn't a crown though." Pope says "Yeah I saw, it looked more like a scroll or something" I say "Now how did they get out of here?" Pope says looking around "Probably the way they came. I think they went out that way" I say shining my light from where they came from Pope looks at me before crawling through as I make a gross face "Oh also for your information pope, that guy was the guy that tried to kill JJ and I!" I whisper yell as he crawls through. He turns back to look at me "How do you know?" He asks "On his file his name was Lightner, the woman said his name" I tell him "Great" pope mumbles before crawling through