~𝒪𝓊𝓉𝑒𝓇 𝒷𝒶𝓃𝓀𝓈~
I never knew it could feel so good to be somebody's Star
John b x OC
Cover made by @disney_fanatic36
Season 1- ✅
Season 2- ✅
Season 3- ✅
Season 4- ✅
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"Just uh just right in the next room" the man says as we walk in Once we get into a room he turns to us "I'll uh I'll let Wes know you're here" he says then opens up some doors "Wes they've come" he says then walks in "Oh good good. Being them in. Come in please, please warm yourself by the fire. Good to see you." Wes says as we all walk in
"I.. I apologize for dragging you all the way out here. But I, I don't think I could speak about this in public. I know I mentioned Blackbeard. But I assure you all, my interest is not for treasure. My ancestor, Francis Genrette, was the British officer who caught and killed the notorious pirate." The man tells us "Wait you're a direct ancestor?" Pope asks and the man nods "Yes unfortunately. After he'd beheaded Blackbeard, he killed the pirates wife, Elizabeth. And since then, for 300 years generations of Genrettes have been haunted by Elizabeth's ghost, and have died violent deaths, including my daughters." He tells us and looks up at a painting of them, and weirdly enough they looked familiar.
"Larissa, was Chandlers wife. My daughters saw Elizabeth a week before they died. Now, I've had a visitation. So I know I don't have much time." The man tells us and I look over at John b "Right uh, so we're really sorry that that happened to you, but what do you want from us?" John b asks "Of course you're right. Let's get down to business. Chandler." Wes says "We believe that we've found a way to break the curse on this family. Right before she was murdered, Elizabeth begged Francis to retrieve from her husband's ship a keepsake that he'd given her. Her most prized possession. An amulet." He explains "He denied the request and then murdered her. But if we find that amulet, fulfilling Elizabeth's last request, I believe it will break the curse that has haunted my family for over 300 years." He tells us "Ok uh I'm sorry where did you say that the necklace thingy is?" Kie asks "Oh Blackbeard's last ship. The adventure." He answers "Perfect." Kie says
"According to all records the amulet was still on it when it was scuttled right off Goat Island." Chandler tells us "Right yeah but the coast guard excavated that site years ago." Pope tells them "The excavation team didn't know what we know. They didn't have this." Wes says giving pope a book "There's a secret lock box hidden behind the headboard in the captains chamber. Do you dive?" He asks
"We dive. All.. all of us do" JJ tells him "Um no actually I'm the only legal one who can do it but ok" I say "But uh we only do it if the price is right" JJ adds "Excellent. We are prepared to offer you a premium for your services. Fifty thousand, plus expenses. Five thousand up front. And we would very much like your immediate answer" Wes tells us "Well I think we kind of..." JJ starts to say but John b covers his mouth "Uh well just need to think it through" pope tells him "We'll be right back. Only take a second, one sec" John b says as we all walk into another room
"Ok um guys. What was that?" I say as we all get in "We have to think" cleo says as John b closes the door "This is weird. We could just slip out through the back." Kie suggests "Are we really going to listen to the guy who should be in a white padded room? Visitations? Curses?" John b asks "Hes a madman" cleo tells us "Well obviously it's bullshit but guys, the money. We need the money. He needs help but the moneyyyy" I say dragging out the last word "He needs therapy not a necklace thingy." Kie adds "Obviously this guy is nutty. We don't even know if anything he's saying is true" pope says "We cannot ignore the fact that there is a ghost and a curse. Yall aren't getting weird ass vibe?" Kie asks "Ok guys let's just say we take this job. Is it even possible?" Cleo asks "Yes" JJ says "I knew what you would say. Everybody else?" Cleo says "That shipwreck is probably 80 to 100 feet down. The currents are probably ripping." Pope says "Ok guys, are we really gonna worry about the details right now?" JJ asks "Yes" we all say "That's 100%" pope tells him
"Guys in our time of need are we gonna turn down free money? No. That's not like us." JJ says "It's not free!" Kie tells him "The worst that can happen is we walk out of here with five G's in our pocket. End of discussion" JJ says "That's actually not the worse but ok" I mumble "We can go to jail, get arrested-" cleo starts to list but JJ just walks out
"Sir we've come to our conclusion, and we'll do it. We'll take the job. Now that initial 5K, is that that right there?" JJ asks as we all walk out "You can go ahead, fork that over to me" JJ says walking over to Chandler and grabbing it "Welcome aboard" he smiles as he gives it to him "Well you know what? Actually, I think I'll take this for safekeeping. Huh you know?" Pope asks grabbing the money "Alright sure" JJ nods "Thank you" pope tells him
"You won't regret this sir. I promise you. We'll get the job done" JJ says shaking his hand "Hey JJ, I believe in you" the man tells him and I stare weirdly at them "Thank you" JJ nods before turning away
We all start to walk out but I turn looking at the painting of his daughters one last time. Then back at them. "I trust you'll get it done" Chandler says to me and I just give him a small nod and smile before turning away and walking out