Part 5

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"I said it

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"I said it. I said it again and again. I said don't touch the last of our nugget. That was it. That was the last of our savings. Do you not care?" Pope asks JJ as we all stood around in the back of the house
"Pope you saw what happened man. He stole it, ok? He cheated and he stole it. That's not my fault pope." JJ says
"Do you know how selfish you sound?" Pope asks
"I sound selfish? I was trying to help us." JJ tells him
"You helped us? You just cost us everything. Thank you." Pope says

"JJ why are making it sound like you had nothing to do with it?" Kie asks him
"Ok kie kie, you know me ok? I was gonna bet it all, that's who I am." He tells her
"You should've talked to us first. It's too risky this time" she tells him
"And what were you doing? You knew he had it and you just let him race?" Pope asks John b
"He told me last minute all right?" John b says
"John b look man, you were supposed to cover..." JJ says
"I did cover!" John b yells
"You were supposed to not take our savings" pope starts to say
"Oh my gosh enough!" I yell
"Hey! Enough everyone! How bad is it pope?" Cleo asks
"How bad is it? We have 13,000 property tax payment due in seven days. And we have zero working capital. There is nothing. And you took the last of our savings. So thank you." Pope says then walks off

And that was that. We had zero working capital as pope said. But that's when our luck turned.

"Wait. You guys." Kie says looking at her computer
"What?" Sarah asks
"Holy shit. They... they wrote about us." Kie says
"What?" JJ asks
"The Outer Banks Sentinel wrote about us" she tells us and we all run over and look at her computer
"The extraordinary discovery made by the young adventurers has validated the existence of the City of Gold." Kie reads
"Oh my gosh!" Sarah exclaims
"That's my name!" Pope yells

Archeologists finally excavated the cave we blew up. And suddenly, we're heroes. It was pretty weird to be honest. After the ceremony this old guy named Wes Genrette came up to us with a request. He invited us to his private estate to discuss his proposition. And on top of all that, Sarah actually got invited to a school in New York to start becoming a lawyer. So a week later she was packed up and leaving. I was sad to see her go considering I won't be able to see her for a while. But I wanted her to follow her dream, who am I to keep her here when she wanted to go? So now it was down to the six of us. And eighteen months after finding El Dorado, on our way to Goat Island, back in the G game.

"Do you guys know anybody that's been here? Cause I don't" Kie asks
"Nope" JJ shakes his head
"Hey Stella, you must know somebody who's been here right?" He asks and I give him a look
"I mean like all kooks they... they know each other. They go to the same parties." he explains
"Are you kidding me? First off I haven't gone to other parties in forever, second off you've heard the rumors right?" I ask him

"Oh yeah about the daughters. I mean that both daughters drowned with their babies right? That's what I heard" JJ says
"I heard that too but I heard that she was possessed first or something" kie says
"And then I heard that was all bullshit because... what?" pope says
"Ok why are we doing this again?" Cleo asks
"We need the money" pope and I say at the same time

We start to get closer and see a man walking over to the dock.
"This places been around for 200 years, and they still don't have a road that doesn't go underwater twice a day." Pope says
"You check in and you don't check out" kie says

We pull up to the dock as JJ and pope grab the rope.
"Afternoon sir" JJ says
Pope gives him the rope and he stares for a second
"Welcome to Blackstone" he says then turns away

We follow him as he lead us to the house.
"So uh what have you been digging?" JJ asks
"Ditches" he answers
"Ditches" JJ repeats
"At least it's not graves" kie mumbles
"All the same to me" the man reply's
"What?" Kie asks
"Why would he say that?" I ask
"Uh so how long have you been working for Mr. Genrette?" John b asks
"As long as I can remember" he answers

We walks up a little hill and we see the house.
"There" he points for us
"Ok thank you" JJ mumbles as we all start to walk, me being in the back of the group
I turn and look at the man one more time, something seemed off. Really off.

JJ knocks on the door first.
"Hello? Anyone home? Hello, anyone home?" JJ yells
"Oh just a little FYI they drug you before they chop you up. So don't eat or drink anything." He tells us
"Not funny" cleo says
"I'm guys I think I've changed my mind on this whole thing. I.. I really don't wanna be here. Can we go?" I ask them not feeling my right
"I admit the risk-reward is very off." Pope says
"Hey someone's coming" JJ says

"Hi" a man says after opening the door
"I'm sorry to keep you waiting. It's quite a big house and I'm.. I'm afraid the servants have all gone. All except uh good old Demp. I just can't seem to get rid of him. Uh you must be the.. the Pogues. The Great Seekers." The man says
"Yeah I.. I don't know about that." John b tells him
"Oh now don't you be modest. I've read of your adventures. It's quite thrilling. Uh come in, I-I'm the son in law. Chandler Groff. Wes was really really hoping you'd show. He's been waiting." The man says
"Yeah. Pleasure, JJ" JJ introduces himself then walks inside

"Want to go pope?" John b asks
"After you great seeker" pope answers
"Right" John b nods then walks in
The rest of us look at each other
"Well I'm not going last so..." kie says then walks in
Pope goes next, then cleo. And I left myself at the back. Not sure why to be honest.
"Hi" the man smiles at me as I walk in, but I stop and look behind me one more time, then turn back and walk in.

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