Part 31

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I sat there with my eyes closed trying to focus on my breathing

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I sat there with my eyes closed trying to focus on my breathing.
"Hey hey" kie says making me open my eyes to see them walking over
"How are you doing?" John b asks kneeling next to me.
"Fine" I mumble
"So uh apple a day keeps the future baby hap-pay" John b says giving me a Apple
I just smile and start to eat it.
"Oh that's all you got?" Rafe asks
"Rafe could you shut up" pope says

"You good?" Pope asks me
"Feeling any better?" Jj asks
"Yeah thanks. I'll be alright" I tell them
"Good" kie nods
"If you're not gonna finish it just let me know" jj says

"Ok well wharfs that way, you think you can make it?" Cleo asks
"Yeah" I nod standing up
"All right we should probably get a move on" jj says then we hear cops yelling and running our way
"Uhh are those cops?" Kie asks
"Ok we gotta go" jj says
"Let's uh let's get going that way" Pope says and we all start to get up
"You didn't tell me you got caught!" Kie says
"Ask questions later" pope says
"Where the hell are you guys going now?" Rafe asks as we all start to run

As we run I hear Rafe yell. I look back to see the cops had grabbed him. I stood there not knowing what to do.
"Hey Stella come on." John b says coming to my side
"No stella come on" kie says coming over too
The cops start to let him go and look over at us.
"Shit" I mumble and we all take off running again

We kept running forever, taking turns left and right through the crowds.
"Ok I think we're good" jj says as we all stop
"I think we lost Rafe" cleo says as we all catch our breath
"Who cares? Big whoops" pope says
"Yeah he's not getting out of that one." Jj says
"Rafes on his own. We're not going back" pope says as I try to look down the alley we just came through
"Hey hey. What do you wanna do?" John b asks me
"What do you think? I mean should we try to go back and help him or...?" I ask John b
"No. Hell no. We don't have passports. If we go back, we're gonna get arrested." Pope says
"I agree. I'm with pope on this one" jj says
"I'll do whatever you wanna do. He's your brother" John b tells me
"No. Let's just go to the wharf" I shake my head
"Let's keep moving, gotta stay on mission and find Groff" jj says

"Hey where's cleo?" Pope asks
"Where'd she go?" John b asks
"Cleo!" Pope and I yell
"You gotta be kidding me" jj groans
"Cleo!" We all yell
But then cleo comes running out of a store with clothes.
"Hey" she says
"Cle" I say letting out a sigh
"I permanently borrowed these from this clothes line. We need a better disguises. The coppers is looking for us." She says passing them out
"Ok maybe you are the best thief" jj says
"I know that" she answers
Then we all start making our way over to the wharf.

"Looks super wharfy. This has got to be it" kie says as we see all the boats
"Yeah. Groff was on Hollis's boat so look for something fancy" jj says
"I mean it's gotta be here. This is the only wharf in town." John b says
"I don't know about no fancy boat. But that's Terrance's boat. The one on the right" cleo points out
"You sure?" Pope asks
"I grew up on that boat. Id know that boat from anywhere." Cleo says
"You can see the singe marks pope" jj says
"If it's his boat the corsairs are here." Pope says
"Which also means Groff's here." John b says
"And the one who killed Captain T." Cleo adds

"No lights." Kie points out
"Weather sats not turning" cleo says
"Not seeing motion on the boat." Pope says
"My vote is, we go storm the fort, see if we can use anything" jj says and starts to walk off
"Whoa whoa whoa" John b says
"Not you. Not you" pope says at the same time
"They know what you look like" pope says
"Well... all right pope" jj mumbles
"Um so yeah they know what we all look like. But I'll do it" I tell them
"What?" Jj asks
"What?" John b asks
"I'll just do it" I tell him
"Hey maybe..." he starts to say
"What? I can do it" I tell him
"I believe you I believe you" he mumbles

"I'm doing it. I can do it. It's fine" I say walking off

John b and I slowly walk onto the boat. Not seeing anyone around. John b gives a thumbs up to pope then we make our way down to the door.
John b opens it and walks in, I close it behind us and we both look around.
"Looks clear" John b says
"Yeah no one's home" I say
"Start looking around" John b tells me
"Ok" I nod
"We gotta figure out where Groff is headed next" he tells me

"Hey this has something about the half moon. Edward and Elizabeth teach" I tell John b holding a book
"Hey hey look at this. The finch group? That's a lot of money" he says
"That's a lot of money" I agree looking at the paper
"Nothing about here Groff's going though. Speaking of Groff, shitty dad and uncle" I say
"Yeah couldn't agree more" John b mumbles

"Stella" John b says
"What?" I ask
"This has got to be something. These photos, they're...they're parts of the scroll, but you can actually read it. " he says
"They must have been taken through the lens, like jj saw. Wait, look at these lines. This is the coast line right?" I say piecing the pictures together
"Yeah definitely looks like a map" John b agrees
"It's like the edge of the map. Oh my God wait. You're supposed to put them together. Like a puzzle." I say putting it together
"Stella look the dotted line ends here." John b points out
"Agapenta" I say then we hear a banging noise

"Is that us? Oh my God that's us. Let's just take the whole thing" I say grabbing it all
"Let's take that too" I say giving it to John b

We quickly make our way out of the boat. Trying to act normal once we were off. But we both quickly jump down when a gun shot lands right next to us. We look up to see jj had hit the man who was shooting.
"We gotta go we gotta go" John b says and we start running. We run on top of all the small boats, making it quicker to get to the other side.

We meet up with pope as we all run to the car cleo was driving.
"Hurry hurry come on!" Cleo yells
"How did you get this?" Pope asks
"I stole it!" She yells as we all jump on and she drives off.

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