~𝒪𝓊𝓉𝑒𝓇 𝒷𝒶𝓃𝓀𝓈~
I never knew it could feel so good to be somebody's Star
John b x OC
Cover made by @disney_fanatic36
Season 1- ✅
Season 2- ✅
Season 3- ✅
Season 4- ✅
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"I'd like to remind you, the winner of the auction...." the man says but pope starts to talk to us "Listen up here's the plan. We go up in one dollar up increments all right? It's gonna take a while but we're gonna need to save every cent for construction." Pope tells us "Pope has a point JJ got it?" Kie says knowing he doesn't like the idea and he just nods "All right, don't change the plan" pope says then we turn our attention back to the man
"It is foreclosure sale of 14 Roger's Point Road. Now, this is the old Maybank place. Now, the bank has an opening bid of $80,000" he says "Here we go" pope mumbles "Looking for 81. I've got $80,000 going once." the man says "$80,000 and one dollar" pope says raising his hand "Ok one dollar more, at $80,000, one dollar..." he says "$80,500" a man calls out "$80,500 right here at $80,500" the man repeats "It's ok. Popes got it" kie tells JJ Pope goes to raise his hand but JJ does it before him. "$100K flat out right here." He says and my eyes go wide
"Hey what are you doing?" Pope asks "Just a knock out punch. Knockout punch and we're a wrap." JJ says "That's not the plan. That's not the plan." Pope tells him "I got the shot done" JJ says
He starts to count down and JJ looks over at us about to say I told you so, but then a man speaks up offering $150K. The man walks over to JJ and tries to tell him to stop now. But it's JJ we're talking about, he's not backing down.
And at that moment we knew we should've left JJ back at the house. The money just kept going up and up and up. "This is way over our price range" pope mumbles "Can someone make him stop please?" I ask them "Get him out of there" pope tells John b
But of course, it doesn't work. JJ only shouts out another number. "That's too rich for my blood Rog." The man says as I let out a sigh, he knew what he was doing the whole time. "Last and final call.... Sold right here to the gentleman in red. Congratulations." The man calls out and all of us let out groans in frustration.
"I got shit done" JJ tells us after talking to the man who was trying to buy it. "We got it. That's all that matters. Whoo!" JJ cheers as he walks up to the man who was selling it. "33% above market value. Wildly overpaid. That's like all the money." Pope tells us and I couldn't help but sigh. What the hell are we gonna do now?
"Ladies and gentlemen. I christen thee Poguelandia 2.0." JJ says ripping the caution tape off of the house as we all watch him.
John b walks up to him before JJ turns to us. "Were home yall" he smiles before walking into the house
This was gonna be a shit lot of work.
"Welcome to the palace." JJ says as we all walk in "Uh what's the wifi password?" Cleo asks "We're gonna have to do this pogue style. That means DIY, scavenge, whatever materials we can find." Pope says "Look we might have paid a little bit over on the dirt, but it's some of the best dirt ok? And we'll make it up in construction. Because these boards right here, if we plane them, they're gonna be as good as new." JJ says "These are rotten as shit man" pope says "They're free as shit as well." JJ tell him
And that's when all the work began.
Pope cleo and I walked into a store which had a sign that read "everything must go", that was gonna be our jackpot.
"What about this old cooler?" I ask the man "If you can haul it off, you can have it." He tells me "Really?" I ask "Things are getting harder on this island. Gonna need all the help you can get." He says "Are you sure there's nothing we can give you for it?" I ask him "Please it's my contribution to your little venture." He smiles
I look over at cleo "What?" She asks "Score" I smile before we both start to pull the cooler out "Thank you!" I tell the man as we push the cooler back to the house
We all stand by the house as cleo tires to help this guy JJ got to help build a dock. "I am by no means an expert but..." kie says "That shit don't look right" I finish "... that shit does not look right" she agrees "How much weed did he smoke?" Sarah asks "You didn't think to maybe give it to him after?" I ask JJ "Maybe like a reward system?" John b says "He was gonna be baking either way. You can't stop Curry from shooting. To buff get it together!!" JJ yells at him "Hey! This man's an idiot!" Cleo yells to us
"I need some more nails" kie says as we all nail in boards to make the dock. "Yeah we do" Sarah agrees "You got the other end?" JJ asks "Yeah I got the back" John b tells him I start to jump on my board and it seemed pretty stable. "Working on a cramp. Working on a cramp." JJ says "Super story" John b says "We're cramping. All right you got the other end?" JJ asks him again "No dude do that again." Pope tells him "Why?" JJ asks "Because it's not right ok?" Pope says "It's fine" he tell him
"It's not... it can't just be fine. It's a dock. This isn't just like a school project man. This is our dock right? Our dream, so it should be perfect." Pope tells him "You know what the key is here?" JJ asks "You've just gotta make it a little janky and he does it for you. I love you pope." JJ smiles "I'm sorry but I want my dock to be safe." Pope says "I feel safe. I feel so safe." John b tells him