~𝒪𝓊𝓉𝑒𝓇 𝒷𝒶𝓃𝓀𝓈~
I never knew it could feel so good to be somebody's Star
John b x OC
Cover made by @disney_fanatic36
Season 1- ✅
Season 2- ✅
Season 3- ✅
Season 4- ✅
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As we drive past our home we all turn and look at it. All the memories we made in such a short time, John b throwing pasta we made at the wall, then jj grabbing it with his mouth and eating it with a hand full of plates. The dinners we had together, always saying our prayer before we eat. "Goodbye island paradise" kie says
"So what we're just on our way to Africa now? Quick little weekend trip?" Kie asks as we had been on the boat for a while now "What about Rafe? We know what he did to the cross. And now we wanna go after the crown with him? That makes zero sense" pope says "Doesn't take pope to figure that part out." Cleo says "Stella you're his family. How do we deal with Rafe?" John b asks me "I don't know. I really have no idea." I answer "All right well it seems like we're stuck on this boat with him. So we gotta talk to him" John b says "Talk to Rafe?" Jj asks "Well you're definitely not talking to him." John b says "Oh I'm not talking to him right. Ok what did I do now?" Jj says "Look it just might be easier if we handle it ok? You might trigger him, and that's like the last thing we need" kie says "Tigger him? Yeah I tigger him, because I get shit done right?" Jj says "Yeah like felonies and forcing us out of the country for potentially the rest of our lives. So why don't you park your ass right there and just sit this one out." John b says and as we walk off I see jj take a big drink of alcohol again
By the time I got up to the door I see Rafe holding up a gun. "You see this? It's a peacemaker all right? You guys be cool I'll be cool." Rafe says "So now you want peace?" Pope asks "I just saved all your asses. How about a thank you. You know, no good deed goes unpunished. Itll be just like in Barbados. Right Stella? You remember?" Rafe asks "Nope, not at all actually" I say "Ok here's the situation all right? I don't want any part of your little fairy tale treasure hunt bullshit. All right? I'm just looking for Groff. I get you to North Africa, you get me Groff deal?" Rafe asks "We want the same thing" John b says "Hey Rafe" jj says then punches him as he turns Knocking him out cold "Jj!" I yell "Oh that felt good" jj says "Oh my God you're kidding me" I mumble and just walk off with kie and cleo
After I while I started to fix some food for everyone. I made a plate for Rafe and put some pills to help with pain and started to walk it down to him. I open the door and set it down. "Great. Just like I said, no good deed goes unpunished." Rafe says "There's some aspirin there for you if you need it." I tell him "Aspirin? Oh what? Are you gonna... throw it in my mouth, like a seal?" He asks "No one trusts you Rafe. And honestly why would they?" I ask him "I was trying to help. I mean what would dad say if he saw me like this right now huh?" Rafe asks and I just take a breath "We'll let you off when we get there. But until then no one here trusts you." I tell him then walk off. And right after I do I hear him kick and start to yell stuff. But I close my ears and run up the stairs.
Over the next few days or however long we were on the boat, we fished and cooked whatever we caught. We cleaned and fix up some parts of the boat that were broken. We had stopped for some gas once we were getting low. "Where you heading bruv?" The man asks jj "Uh we're on our way to go kill some people" jj tells him "Fishing. He means kill fish. We're on a fishing trip" I tell the man who looked scared out of his mind
Once again I fixed Rafe some food. I walked down and opened the door. I look at him then set it down. "You need to eat.... Please" I tell him then close the door again
After that I went and laid down next to John b just needing to sit for a second. "So i was thinking..." John b says "Hmm?" I say "...maybe we tell the others? Unless you still don't want to" he says "Well Kiera already knows. And I'm not sure I want everyone to know yet" I tell him "Well maybe we tell jj?" He asks "Yeah, yeah we should" I agree "I feel like after all the dad stuff, he could use some good news. What if we made him the godfather?" John b asks me "The uncle and the godfather wow good title..... do you think he's responsible enough?" I ask "You know I forget you're technically related" John b laughs "Yeah me too. Cousin jj, good ring to it" I laugh
As John b went to talk to him I went up to play cards with cleo and kie. I was laughing with them then John b walks in and throws something to the ground. We all kinda gasp not expecting it. Then he hits something else. "Dude you ok?" Kie asks "What's wrong?" I ask "It's jj" John b answers then looks at me, and I knew what that meant. He has been drinking a lot, a lot more than normal.