003 halloween.

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 ( chapter three )

Before she even knew it, it was about to be Halloween and Syd found herself at lunch sat between Sam and Yasmine as Counselor Blatt spoke before the students

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Before she even knew it, it was about to be Halloween and Syd found herself at lunch sat between Sam and Yasmine as Counselor Blatt spoke before the students. "Cyberbullying is no laughing matter. Sending a cruel message to someone online can be just as hurtful as saying it to their face. Now, I'm not gonna name names, but the other day a mother called me up because her son was crying after some kids online made fun of his facial deformity."

Syd frowned lightly as kids around began pointing at the boy Yasmine had made fun of a few months prior. It was cruel. Even if Counselor Blatt thought she was helping, all she was doing was putting a target on the poor boys back. Syd continued to watch him as he covered his mouth and she kept watching as Blatt continued.

"But today, our goal here is to make this school a safe space for all students. Oh, and one last thing, while we're all looking forward to the Halloween dance, let's make sure our costumes are culturally sensitive. For example, instead of "sexy nurse," maybe try "gender-neutral hospital employee." Instead of a geisha..." Blatt continued on with her alternative costumes, but Syd was brought back to her table as Aisha moved to it to talk to Sam.

She smiled wide at the girl. "Hey! I got a great idea for our costumes this year." Sam frowned. "Um." Aisha continued. "I was thinking I go as sodium, and you go as chloride. And when people ask what we are, we do this." Aisha then proceeded to dump some salt out on the table. Sam laughed and Syd smiled lightly, finding the joke to be pretty funny.

"What is that, some dumb inside joke you guys have?" Yasmine wondered, leaning closer to Aisha. "I mean, it's not really "inside." Sodium chloride is table salt." Aisha laughed, sending Yasmine a look. The blonde girl stuttered for a moment. "Yeah, I was kidding."

"We actually decided to go as Laker Girls." Sam explained. "Oh." Aisha responded. "But maybe we could order another." Sam tried, wanting to still include Aisha. "They're one-size-fits-all, which suddenly seems like false advertising." Yasmine butt in, snickering as Moon laughed a bit. Syd frowned as she watched Sam's face fall when Aisha scooted away.

Syd lightly tapped Sams arm, whispering, "Hey. I think it was sweet to try and include her. It would have been fun to expand the army." Sam laughed a bit, whispering back, "Yeah, totally."


"So are the three of us purple while Yasmine is yellow?" Sam wondered, standing at the mirror in Moons room while Moon and Syd sat on Moons bed. Moon shrugged. "Maybe it's because her hair is lighter. And it would look weird if all of us were in purple." Sam sighed. "I guess. It just seems weird to not do two and two."

Syd moved to sit below Moon, allowing the girl to do her half-up-half-down hairdo with ease. "Whatever. I think the purple is cuter anyways."

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