040 the winner takes it all.

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 ( chapter forty )

 ( chapter forty )THE WINNER TAKES IT ALL

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"You ready to beat out LaRusso for that spot in the finals?" Tory questioned to Syd, smiling as she saw the female lineup. Tory was competing against some girl from another dojo, but Syd had Sam. "I'm rooting for a Cobra Kai versus Cobra Kai female ending." Tory continued.

Syd smiled, nodding. "Yeah, I'm ready." Sensei Silver walked up behind the two girls with a smirk. "Good. Because once your name is called LaRusso is the only person keeping you from that finals slot. She will become the only enemy until she is defeated." Syd nodded, eyes catching Sam's as she stared at the girl, smirking slightly. "Yes, Sensei."

"Next up we have Tory Nichols against Alena Powers, beginning the girls division!" Daryl announced. It seemed they'd keep going while waiting for Miguel to come back out and that just meant Syd would fight Sam a lot sooner.

As Syd expected, Tory was easily able to get to 2 points in her match while her competitor only had 1, Tory going for the win. Tory grabbed the girls arm, punching her before kicking her right in the cheek and winning her match. "This semifinal match has been all Cobra Kai. Tory Nichols is on her way to the big dance. Oh, it's gonna be a battle for the ages, because next we have Samantha LaRusso versus Sydney McKinley. Both of these girls have proven to be tough competition, so let's see what happens when they go face to face!" Daryl announced excitedly.

Syd stepped on the mat, facing Sam as she stepped on as well. "Hey, uh... nothing personal, okay? I'm here to beat Tory." Sam spoke, as if she knew she'd be winning. "You wish." Syd spat back, feeling a fire under her burning even stronger than before.

"Okay, face me. Bow. Face each other. Bow." The ref spoke, looking between the two. They did as told, Syd only focusing on Sam and defeating her. "Fighting positions. Fight!" The ref spoke, moving out of the way as Syd immediately kicked toward Sam with as much power as she could muster.

Sam moved back, blocking the attacks as she tried her own back at Syd. Syd used the technique Robby taught to block everything Sam threw her way. Sam grew annoyed, realizing this match was going to be harder than she thought. She didn't know why she expected any different. Syd had beaten her on multiple occasions, but she'd thought she'd trained harder. It seemed not.

Syd kicked out, Sam grabbing her foot and throwing it back down. Syd winced slightly, feeling her ankle slam against the mat way harder than she'd expected. She ignored it as she focused in even more, kicking at Sam over and over again as she yelled out, suddenly jumping in the air and throwing a spinning kick right at the girls face. "Point!" The ref shouted. "Back to your corners."

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