023 miguel.

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 ( chapter twenty three )

"Sydney I swear to god I'll beat the shit out of whoever did that

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"Sydney I swear to god I'll beat the shit out of whoever did that. Just give me their name and its lights out." Eli spoke, staring forward angrily as he drove the two to the hospital. Miguel had woken up and they'd finally been told by Ms. Diaz that they could come see him. Syd held onto the flowers and card the two had gotten Miguel as she gave Eli a look. "Eli, while that is very sweet, I'm fine. It's nothing."

He just frowned further. "If it was nothing you'd tell me what happened. What if I promised not to beat the shit out of them?" Syd rolled her eyes. "Then you'd be lying. Just drop it. We're going to see Miguel for the first time in weeks, he's the priority."

"Yeah, but you're my priority." Eli replied. Syd sighed, closing her eyes for a moment before opening them again. "Okay. I've never told you about my dad before, but he doesn't exactly spend much time at my house. He's always off on business and when he's back, he leaves again before myself or Oliver have time to even know he'd been home. Except for last night, when we kinda went at it and I ended up on the receiving end of a few cheap shots. But I am fine and he left again, so everything is good. Okay?"

Eli frowned, sending the girl a quick concerned glance. "Why'd you never tell me about your situation before? Do you not trust me or something?" Syd connected her hand with the one he didn't have on the wheel, squeezing it slightly. "I trust you more than anyone. It's just... not exactly a great conversation piece. And besides, he's never been around so it's pretty normal. This is the first time it's ever gotten this bad, but I've spent most of my life with him gone then with him around so it's really nothing to worry about."

"Just... keep me in the loop, okay? I'm your boyfriend for a reason I want to help you out whenever I can." Syd smiled at the boy, squeezing his hand again and feeling him squeeze back. "You know, boyfriend rolls off the tongue pretty well."

Eli chuckled. "Oh yeah?" Syd nodded. "Yeah."

Eli parked the car, both getting out as Syd re-situated the flowers and card. Eli instantly grabbed the flowers from her, freeing up the girls hand. "Hey," she placed her hand on his cheek, quickly kissing the boy on the lips, "Thank you."

"Of course. Now come on, we've got a boy to see." Eli smiled, wrapping his free arm around the girls shoulders as they entered the hospital. The two were directed to where Miguel's room was, Eli smiling as they made it to the open door. "El Serpirnte!"

Immediately both Syd and Eli's faces dropped as they made eye contact with Sam, who was standing in Miguel's room. Syd noticed the way Sam looked at her with concern, frown only deepening at the action. Sam quickly turned back around to Miguel. "I'm gonna go."

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