019 party at moons.

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 ( chapter nineteen )

"I'm so happy we're finally hanging out again

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"I'm so happy we're finally hanging out again. I've missed you." Moon stated, smiling as Syd sat on her bed. Syd smiled back, nodding. "Me too. It's been so crazy lately, it's nice to be around someone not apart of the karate drama." Moon nodded, joining Syd on the bed. "Speaking of karate, you invited everyone to my party right? After all the set up we just went through it would suck if no one came."

Syd nodded. "They all said they'd be here. I think it'll be fun, I can't believe you're having it here." Moon shrugged, smiling. "As long as people stay out of the room we're in now and my parents room we won't have any problems. Before you got here I got a bunch of vodka and other drinks so it should be wild." Syd smiled back. "I'm excited."

The two continued to hang out at Moons for the next few hours, finally leaving her room as people began showing up. Soon enough all of Cobra Kai was there and more people, the party officially starting.

Syd found Eli, smiling as he wrapped an arm around her waist and pulled her close to him. She laughed lightly, wrapping her arms around his neck. "Hi." He looked around, happy to see others in Cobra Kai noticing the two. "Hey, sick party planning."

"Thanks, I try." Syd replied, pulling away before grabbing Eli's hand and pulling him with her towards the kitchen to grab drinks. Syd handed him a red solo cup, pouring vodka in until he said stop. "What do you want to mix it with?"

"Mixing is for pussies. I'll just have this." Eli replied. Syd rolled her eyes. "And drinking it straight like that is for crazy people. Besides, mixing only makes the taste better so I say it's for those who don't want to drink straight sanitizer." Eli sighed, nodding. "Okay fine, put some orange juice in there but do it before anyone sees." Syd just laughed, taking her time to let anyone who cared enough see whatever they wanted.

Next she did her own, filling it up with vodka before opening a Diet Coke and filling the cup to the top. "Let's go sit." Syd decided, grabbing Eli's hand and pulling him with her to Moons living room before they took their seats on the couch. Others from Cobra Kai immediately sat near the two, Aisha and Mitch joining them on the couch as Syd sipped on her drink.

Eli wrapped an arm around her as she leaned against him, more Cobra Kai's joining to hang out behind them.

Suddenly Syd looked up as the teens from Miyagi-Do walked in, obviously just as surprised to see everyone from Cobra Kai as they stopped in their tracks. Syd made eye contact with Sam, raising her brows at the girl as Sam just stared back at her, almost sadly. Miguel and Tory then walked in, laughing about something before they paused at the sight as well.

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