032 syd and eli sneak around.

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 ( chapter thirty two )

Syd left Cobra Kai quickly after practice, ready to get home so that she could spend time with Eli

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Syd left Cobra Kai quickly after practice, ready to get home so that she could spend time with Eli. They'd both been so busy with their own dojos and Syd always refused to talk about it, not willing to give away what she'd been up to. But they were finally able to find a time to spend quality time together again and she was excited.

She stood outside her car, looking in her bag for her keys. "Hey, Syd!" Robby spoke, running out and catching up to her. "What's up?" Syd wondered, hoping their conversation could be short. She was happy he'd joined the dojo, but in this moment wanted him to go anywhere else.

"I just wanted to let you know I don't want to step on your toes or anything. I've seen you in class and I know how highly you're valued in that place, so I wanted to make sure you knew I wasn't trying to take over your spot or anything." Robby rambled. Syd was a bit confused to say the least. "Sorry, what do you mean? I don't see where you've stepped on my toes at all." He shrugged. "I just mean with leading warmups and teaching the class things. I know usually you're the one who helps Sensei Kreese with those types of things and I want to make sure you know I don't want to just come in and take over. I just want to help win."

Syd smiled, shaking her head. "Trust me, I don't think you're just coming in and taking over. I appreciate the thought, though. But honestly? I'm excited to learn some of that Miyagi-Do stuff tomorrow. I don't mind learning from someone who knows about something more than I do." Robby smiled back, nodding. "Great. Thanks for being so cool about it all, too. I was kinda hoping I could get your ear every now and again to see your thoughts on what everyone can learn and to just help me out. They listen to what you say and respect your word, it would be a big help." Syd nodded. "Of course. Sounds like fun."

She felt her phone buzz in her pocket, noticing the time was now 5:03pm. She sighed, putting it away. "I've got to go, but I'll see you tomorrow." Robby smiled. "See you then."

Syd got into her car, looking at her phone and the new text from Eli. I'm here, you home yet? She quickly typed back, starting the car as she pushed send. Sorry got caught up here I'm on my way now.

Once Syd was home, she noticed Eli's bike parked a few houses down, but no Eli. She frowned, unlocking her door and walking into her home before seeing Eli on the couch with Oliver. "Hey." Syd smiled, shutting the door behind herself. "Hey." Eli replied, turning around. "Oliver saw me outside waiting and let me in while you drove back."

Syd nodded, putting her stuff down before moving to the opposite side of Eli that Oliver was on. He wrapped his arm around her, pulling her closer as the two watched the younger boy kill other players on a video game. "Oli, can you take your game elsewhere?" Syd wondered. "But I want to show Hawk my cool new moves." Oliver replied, continuing to smash buttons over and over. "Show me real quick so you can go chat with your new friend." Eli replied.

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