044 the water park face off.

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 ( chapter forty four )

 ( chapter forty four )THE WATER PARK FACE OFF

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Syds foot was finally healed. Her doctor had told her that she could go back to any and all activity, just as long as she listened to her body. So of course, to celebrate, Tory decided the whole team would go to Splasharama. So Syd found herself at the water park, walking with Tory as the two just laughed about whatever. It was nice, being able to just hang out again with her friends and team without the burden of her foot.

"Full day of tanning? I say this is a full day of tanning." Tory smiled, looking around the pool. "What other option is there?" Syd replied, smiling back. "Cool bracelet, by the way. Where'd you get it?" Tory wondered, looking at Syds charm bracelet on her wrist. She smiled lightly, shrugging. "Uh, some store by the mall. Not completely sure cause Oliver went and got it."

"Did he go with your mom or something?" Tory wondered, still in the dark to Syds actual situation. Syd wanted to tell her, but it wasn't like it just came up in conversation. "Probably." Syd just replied instead, the two girls moving to sit at a table with Edwin and Red.

They chatted with the two for a bit before suddenly Robby was walking toward the group. "Hey, Tory!" Tory smiled, looking at Syd. "Sorry, I'll be right back."

Syd just smiled lightly, watching as Tory moved toward Robby happily. The two were cute together, Syd was happy that even after Robby left Cobra Kai the two were still going strong. She honestly envied how open they could be with everything.

"Syd!" Syd turned her head and smiled at the sight of Moon and Yasmine coming toward her, saying goodbye to Edwin and Red before walking quickly to the two as well. They all met up in a hug, Moon smiling wide at the brunette girl. "We've missed you! Your foot looks so much better."

Syd nodded. "Yeah, all healed. What are you guys doing here?" Syd watched as the two looked between each other for a moment nervously before looking back at her. "We're, uh, actually here with Sam." Moon spoke honestly. "Oh, cool." Syd replied. She'd never really cared that the two were still friends with Sam. They could choose their own friends, she just didn't know how they wanted to be friends with someone who'd do what Sam did to her.

"Look— we feel like assholes doing this to you. Sam's told us how sorry she is for what happened at the All Valley, and I think the two of you could do good having a conversation. It might help." Moon stated. "Yeah, we miss our group. I know this whole rival dojos thing did some damage but maybe it's time for everyone to move on from that." Yasmine added.

Syd sighed. "Look, guys. You two can be friends with whoever you want. But I don't think I'm ready to talk to someone who almost ruined my future and my dreams just because she was a little mad she was losing a karate tournament. Sorry." They both nodded, understanding. It didn't happen to them so it was easier to forgive Sam for something that didn't hurt them. But for Syd, it was something she had to deal with for the past 6 weeks, not Sam.

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