029 robby keene.

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 ( chapter twenty nine )

Christmas was just around the corner and the Valley was decked out to show it

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Christmas was just around the corner and the Valley was decked out to show it. Syd was excited, she'd never had much of a reason to celebrate Christmas the way everyone dreams, but this year just felt different. It had always been just her and Oliver every year, but Eli's mom had already invited the two to join the family this year weeks early and Syd was very excited.

"So, my mom's already planning on what she's gonna make. She wanted me to ask you what you and Oliver usually do, try and make sure any of your usual traditions stick around this year." Eli explained, walking beside Syd toward Cobra Kai as other members of their team followed behind. Syd chuckled, shrugging. "We've never really had any. Christmas is usually just ordering pizza and watching Christmas movies. Nothing fancy."

Eli nodded, he felt bad. The two had never experienced what it was like to celebrate with their parents or have a huge home cooked meal. He was excited to give it to them. "Well, we can keep the movies, but, I think my mom would have a heart attack if I told her you guys usually have pizza." Syd laughed, opening the door to Cobra Kai and setting her stuff down, only turning when she heard Eli suddenly speak up, "What the hell are you doing here?"

Syd looked up to see none other than Robby Keene standing next to Sensei Kreese. She frowned, confused as Eli walked up to the boy. "Hold on there." Sensei Kreese spoke, pointing a finger up to Eli. "Mr. Keene is our guest." Eli just stood there, pissed.

Syd made eye contact with Robby, sending the boy a small nod that he sent back. She knew he was a hell of a fighter, so if he was planning on switching sides she wasn't mad about it. Her only issue was that she didn't trust that he was really on their side.

"Follow me." Sensei Kreese spoke to Eli, the boy following him into his office. Syd could easily guess what they'd be saying so she just turned her attention back to Keene. "What brings you here?"

He shrugged, looking around as other members of the team joined to stand behind the girl. "I'm just staying here while I get back on my feet. I'll see you around." With that he walked out of the main dojo and headed to the back. Syd frowned, trusting him even less. She watched as Tory followed after a bit, choosing to ignore that as well.

When Eli came back out, he walked straight over to Syd with a frown. "What happened?" She questioned. "He just said the enemy of my enemy is my friend. That Keene is strong and we could use him by our side rather than against us." Eli explained, obviously not a fan of the plan. "I mean, it makes sense. He's one of the best fighters in the Valley, Sensei is right to say he'd a better friend than an enemy." Syd replied.

Eli just frowned, shaking his head. "I don't trust him." Syd shrugged. "Me neither, but it doesn't matter. We don't have to trust him, we just have to keep him on our team."

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