005 cafeteria commotion.

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 ( chapter five )

Syd still didn't know what to think when it came to the situation between Sam and Kyler

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Syd still didn't know what to think when it came to the situation between Sam and Kyler. Knowing both of them, she was much more inclined to believe Sam, but to an extent it didn't matter. Because Yas and Moon didn't believe her, and no one else did.

Sydney had texted Sam later in the night after the car incident to hear her out, getting Sams side of the events. They were in a whole other ballpark to what Kyler had said, but Syd had told Sam that the two of them were good either way.

On her way to the cafeteria, Syd caught sight of Miguel and Eli walking together. She was stopping at her locker, but smiled with a wave at the two as they looked her way. Her small smile only increased as she watched both of them wave back before going back to their conversation.

"Hey!" Syd heard from behind her, turning around to see an arm right next to her head, blocking her in with her locker. "Um, hi... Kyler." Syd responded, looking around to see if anyone around could see what was happening. She felt her heart beat in her chest as she tried to find a way out of this situation as quickly as possible.

Kyler smiled. "So, I've been thinking. Since I'm a free man now, how about you and I take things to the next level?" Syd just felt her body press against the lockers behind her. "No, thank you... um I am not interested. Sorry." Kyler chuckled angrily. "You sure? Because Sam isn't having the best time right now after she rejected me, so, what do you think will happen to you?"

"You know you just admitted you lied to me, right?" Syd questioned, watching as Kyler's face morphed into one of shock for a moment before he went back to his prior demeanor. "Whatever. It's not like anyone will believe you anyways."

Syd just shut her eyes for a moment, hoping he'd leave. "Please, just, leave me alone."

Miguel watched with slight concern from down the hall as it looked like Kyler had Sydney trapped against her locker. He'd only noticed when Eli pointed it out, noting how Kyler moved on quick. "I don't think she's reciprocating anything." Miguel spoke.

"What?" Eli questioned, turning back to watch as the smaller girl squirmed under Kyler's trap. "Someone needs to help her." Miguel nodded, "I'll do it." He began moving towards the two before stopping as he watched Kyler's face get closer to Syds, the girl turning her head away before stepping down on his foot, hard.

Kyler jumped away from Syd and she grabbed her bag fast, shutting her locker before speeding away as quickly as she could from the boy. Syd wiped her eyes fast as she moved past people. "Sydney! Hey, are you okay?" Syd saw Miguel out of the corner of her eye but just brushed past him, going straight for the girls bathroom.

She took a moment to calm her breathing, using a paper towel to wipe any tears out of her eyes. She wasn't going to let Kyler get to her. And so, once she'd calmed down enough, Syd left the bathroom and went into the cafeteria, taking her normal seat at her table next to Yasmine.

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