010 the all valley tournament part two.

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 ( chapter ten )

The quarterfinals started off with a win from Miguel, taking out the boy who'd defeated Bert

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The quarterfinals started off with a win from Miguel, taking out the boy who'd defeated Bert. Syd then watched Keene fight his match, realizing Sensei Lawrence was right when the boy defeated his opponent. Eli then easily took out his opponent, defeating the other boy with ease as he moved on.

The next match didn't end as well, Syd watching as Aisha lost to a boy from Topanga Karate after a 2-2 score. Syd frowned as she watched Aisha walk off quickly, leaving as Sensei Lawrence tried to lift her spirits.

Syd felt bad, but she also knew she couldn't make sure Aisha was okay as she had her own fight to focus on. "Hey. You can do this." Eli spoke, coming up next to the girl as she stretched her legs. Syd just nodded, trying to get into her zone as she considered all the moves Keene seemed to use. "McKinley. Focus, okay?" Sensei Lawrence spoke. "Yes, Sensei." Syd replied, taking a deep breath before stepping onto the mat and looking at Robby Keene.

"Hey, good luck." The boy nodded at her, though she noticed his kind look shift behind her angrily for a moment before coming right back to her. "You too." Syd nodded, seeing no reason to be a dick when the boy was just being nice.

Syd stood up after Robby scored a point on her. The score was 2-2 and she knew the last point would change everything. She quickly shook out her limbs before striking right after the ref said go, kicking as high and as strong as she could before slamming her leg back where Robby had been standing. His eyes widened, moving around her before blocking punch after punch Syd sent his way.

The boy had to admit it, she was quick. He noticed the insane flexibility on the girl and tried to think of a way to use it against her. So, when Syd kicked toward him again, Robby caught her leg on his shoulder, holding her there to try and trap the girl. Syd just pulled her weight down, throwing Robby onto his back as she spun around to get him again.

The boy quickly moved to defend again, finally catching Syd again before this time being the one to throw her down, holding down her legs as he punched the girl right in the stomach, ending the match. "Winner!" The ref spoke, pulling the boy off of the smaller girl and raising his arm up. Robby instantly went to help Syd up, the girl accepting his hand as she used him to pull herself up. "Sorry to get you out before the semifinals. You've got an impressive kick, though."

Syd chuckled, shrugging. "Thanks. And it's all good, I'm just glad I got out by someone who was actually good." She walked off the mat after that, going over to Sensei Lawrence. "It's okay, you'll get em next time." Syd nodded. "Yeah, I'm not worried. I'm just glad that last fight took so long, it was fun."

The man chuckled a bit, patting the girl on the back as the final four semi finalists took the middle mat. "Yes! Let's give it up for all of our competitors. You're all winners. We have seen some great fighting today, haven't we? Huh? There can be only one true winner, and he is standing on this stage right now. Will it be Miguel Diaz from Cobra Kai Karate? Will it be Hawk... Well, I guess it's just "Hawk" from Cobra Kai Karate? Will it be Robby Keene, unaffiliated? And last but certainly not least, last year's champion, fighting out of Topanga Karate, Xander Stone!" The announcer exclaimed, the final boy Xander moving forward and flipping for the crowd before taking the mic.

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